IRISnet Monthly Update

2021.11 — Technology & Ecosystem & Community Recap

IRISnet Blog
4 min readDec 6, 2021


🌈 IRISgardians,

The 1st NFT IBC transaction from WenChang Chain to Ethereum via IRIS Hub has occurred, igniting more possibilities for the interchain world💫

The landed IRIS Hub 1.2 Mainnet brought us the TIBC protocol and enhanced NFT features, making this interchain NFT transfer happen, and more achievements will be worthy of expecting with the groundbreaking technology and protocol.

Much to come in the NFT season!

⭐Technical Updates⭐

Mainnet Upgraded to irishub v1.2.1

On November 15, IRISnet successfully upgraded mainnet to IRIS Hub 1.2 with TIBC protocol and enhanced NFT features enabled⛓️, which further pushed up the cross-chain NFT and trustworthy global trade of digital/digitized artworks.

✨After that, a Patch Upgrade to irishub v1.2.1 was completed on November 23, to fix a bug that may affect IBC transactions, further reinforcing the robust and stable network.


Released irishub v1.2.1
• Fixed the bug that might affect IBC Txs


1. Released IOBScan Single-chain Explorer XP v0.5.0
2. Optimized & Released IOBScan Single-chain Explorer XP v0.6.0
• Completed TIBC type sinicization plan
• BUpdated MsgType filters, grouping and display
• Optimized display of the Multi Send page
• Fixed display issue of block detail page transaction list
3. Optimized & Released IOBScan Single-chain Explorer XP v0.6.1
• Added productized link sharing information configuration for each chain
• Updated chain Logos and tab icons
4. Developing IOBScan Cross-chain Explorer
• Completed the prototype design of the Transfer Details page

Rainbow Wallet

Developing v3.7.6
• Optimized UX and fixed issues

⭐ Ecosystem Updates ⭐

Historical Moment! NFTs Cross-chain Travel From WenChang Chain to Ethereum via IRISnet

💥 For the FIRST time, through IRIS Hub, NFTs as digital twins to fine art Chinese paintings were successfully cross-chain transferred from Cosmos-SDK-based WenChang Chain to Ethereum through TIBC protocol.

IRISnet is now becoming an NFT Hub to bring more interchain NFT implementations, fulfilling our mission driving enterprise adoption and hitting major milestones for Cosmos and the blockchain ecosystem at large.

📚 Full Blogpost about the 1st NFT IBC transaction between 4 chains & the cutting-edge technology that made it possible:

More than 70,000 NFT assets minted on IRISnet

With the support of Uptick, the native NFT assets minted on IRISnet have achieved 70,000+, increasing 20% in about one month🎉More updates about Uptick can be checked out in the video.

IRIS Hub is step by step becoming an NFT Hub powered by Cosmos IBC!

⭐ Community Updates ⭐

The 8th Execution | Eco-development Funds Community Management Plan

In April 2021, the IRIS Foundation launched a new Ecosystem Development Program, which included the Eco-Development Funds Community Management Plan. The Foundation will undelegate about 300 million IRIS gradually, and then transfer these assets into the Community Pool in batches.

Through on-chain governance proposal submission, every community member can co-manage all assets in the community pool for the purpose of enhancing the ecosystem.

The 8th execution of this plan has been completed by the end of November:

IRISnet & Uptick NFT Creation Contest is in Full Swing🔥

The NFT Creation Contest🧑‍🎨 is jointly organized by Uptick Network and IRISnet to encourage talented creators of various styles to find a home with Uptick and maintain high-quality works together on the Uptick platform.

Time​​: 11.17 12:00–12.17 12:00 (UTC+8)

To learn more details and join this contest, please follow the rules and fill out the form:

More Details:

Proposal #9 Creation Contest Expenditure has passed!

Proposal #9 by the Uptick team to apply budget for the NFT Creation Contest from the IRIS Hub community pool has passed! All the budget applied for will be awarded to the winners in the contest. The list of winners will be announced after the event.

Proposal Details:


  • On November 8, IRISnet invited Jared Moore, Director of Marketing for Sifchain, to join the community’s AMA event to answer everything about Sifchain.
    Check out the thread:

Contents from the IRISnet Community

💌 Community Channels

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IRISnet Blog

Built with Cosmos-SDK, IRISHUB enables cross-chain interoperability while providing modules to support distributed business systems.