Top Stories published by Issues That Matter in January of 2015

Manager Interview: Haley Bradshaw

This week, we had the opportunity to learn more about Haley Bradshaw, Blooming Twig’s Media Manager, and what she loves about the literary world. Keep reading to hear her answers to our questions.

Throwback Thursday: The Ordinary Princess

The Ordinary Princess, by M. M. Kaye, is a small, lighthearted book. It was given to me when I was eight, and over the past thirteen years, I’m sure I’ve read it upwards of thirty times.

Five of the Strangest Authors

Authors are an eccentric bunch. Their creative processes may raise eyebrows, but their methods finish the job. I think it’s beneficial to learn about the writing processes of authors, whom we place on the highest of literacy pedestals. Occasionally, I find that by mimicking…

SMiLe Series — Serbian Desserts

Happy New Year, everybody! What better day than the day after New Year’s (when it seems like most of the world is starting a new diet and exercise regimen) to read about some delicious Serbian desserts? The nights are still long, the days are still cold, and we all need a…

Writer Wednesday: Vladislav Bajac

Award-winning novelist Vladislav Bajac considers writing his first book of poetry at just eighteen years old to be his greatest mistake. A feat that most would consider anything but a mistake, Vladislav felt he needed more experience, and a hiatus, before continuing his…

The Truth of Growing Up

I’ve learned, as the years have passed, a hard truth — that the older I get, the less time I have to read. With another year passing, my thoughts have once again found this very idea to be true.

Books That Matter Monday — The Lovely Bones

I’m the type of person who scrambles to the ‘Young Adult’ section of bookstores when I enter. I have always loved, and still love, the fairytale-with-a-twist type of love stories. Maybe it is because you don’t see many of them today in real life. But on…

SMiLe Series: The Serbian Flag

Flags are symbolic. They can show pride for one’s home country, state alliances, symbolize revolution, declare peace, and even declare war. Flags are also deliberate — a large amount of consideration goes into each one’s design. For example, America’s flag uses red, white…

These were the top 10 stories published by Issues That Matter in January of 2015. You can also dive into daily archives for January of 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Issues That Matter
Trends and ideas we think are important in publishing, marketing, social media, and society. Brought to you, with love and coffee, by indie book publisher Blooming Twig #BooksThatMatter.
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