Top Stories published by Issues That Matter in February of 2015

Books That Matter Monday — Catcher in the Rye

Every child, at some point or another, more than likely has played with the idea of running away. Either to escape from something or to run towards something, running away seems like the most reasonable answer. Although most kids never follow through…

Throwback Thursday: Learning to Read

As a child, I loved school. It was great to hangout with friends all day and to learn new things. Looking back, I consider myself to have been a good student; I obeyed all of my teachers, always came prepared, and continuously earned good grades. However, my…

SMiLe Series — The Slavic Dragon

Literature comes in many forms. It is often depicted through the written word, the actions of a performer, or the work of an artist. However, our ancestors did not always have the luxury of documentation. Many of their stories were passed down through the generations via…

Writer Wednesday: Harold Lustig


Harold Lustig understands that growing older is difficult. From the back aches to the financial strains…

These were the top 10 stories published by Issues That Matter in February of 2015. You can also dive into daily archives for February of 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Issues That Matter
Trends and ideas we think are important in publishing, marketing, social media, and society. Brought to you, with love and coffee, by indie book publisher Blooming Twig #BooksThatMatter.
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