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James Hill
James Hill
software, design & stuff
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Debugging Mocha in the Browser with Node and full SourceMaps!


As of Node v6.3.0, we can now debug Node applications in Chrome DevTools. BUT, as I’ll elaborate on later, you’re going to need Node v7.2.1 if you want full SourceMap support to boot.

BitBucket now supports Git!

Watch out GitHub, for the one year anniversary of Bitbucket joining Atlassian, they’re finally announcing Git support!

They’ll be the GitHub diehards, that say ‘GitHub’ is still infinitely better, but I’d argue that Bitbucket’s not that far behind, and…

Apache Flex (Incubating) Logo Contest Complete

Is strange seeing Adobe Flex now incubated into the Apache project, but that’s evolution I guess.

One thing that I have to congratulate though, is the new Flex logo chosen by the team at Apache, as designed by Adrian Knopik…

Locking Down Node/NPM Versions Using Engines

Although NodeJS and it’s proprietary package manager, NPM, have come on a lot in recent times, versioning can still be a mine-field, when setup projects on different systems and environments.

Enabling Babel ES7 Features in SystemJS/JSPM

Enabling ES7 support in SystemJS, is a pretty trivial thing to do, but took me a while to figure out how.

I’ll cut to the chase and show you how: