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James Hill
James Hill
software, design & stuff
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April Fools — Google Animal Translate

Check it out! Google have finally bridged the lingual gap between Animals and Humans!

Don’t you just love April Fools day!

St Mary’s Ghost Spooky Viral, Er….what the hell?!

Sony Ericsson have just released for Halloween a super scary viral to promote their new W595.

They called on yours truly to put the thing together.

Check it out and pass it on to your mates!

Roxik Ecodazoo — Awesome!

I know this has now been around for a while, but I thought I’d pop it up as much for my reference as anyone who hasn’t seen this as yet.

has put us all to shame again, with his delightful offering The Ecodazoo.

Produced for McCann Erickson — Japan, it has to be one of the…