Houses don’t kill people, people possessed by the ghosts who live there do

Kyrie Gray
Jane Austen’s Wastebasket
Sent as a


3 min readOct 29, 2021

Hey everyone!

The housing market is hot, but haunted houses are still hard to sell unless you’re smart about it. That candy corn everyone maligns has something to say. Plus the potential sequels to There’s a Monster at the End of This Book weren’t as polished as one agent hoped. All of those topics and more are covered in this week’s roundup.

As always, thank you for reading and supporting this little humor publication.


The housing market is hot, so here’s how to sell your haunted house.

I’m sorry, you can not return your Monkey’s Paw once the seal has been broken.

“To ghost or not to ghost…”-Hamlet waxes poetic on a dating app.

Agent reviews pitches for sequels to There’s a Monster at the End of This Book.

An open letter from the much maligned Candy Corn.

Halloween humor from the archive

Check out these monsters on Tinder.

My home is an exact replica of the shrieking shack from Harry Potter and if one more kid dares try to trick-or-treat, I’m going to lose it!

Ill-fated couple costume ideas.

Clickbait titles for classic ghost stories.

Dating just got sweeter. Which Halloween candy would you swipe right on?

