Top Stories published by Insurance 2.0 in August of 2008

The Future of the Desktop. Kinda.

Nova Spivack from Twine wrote an interesting post over at Read/WriteWeb about the future of the desktop which I’d like to comment on. It really ties in nicely with what I’ve been thinking about recently around user interfaces, especially since any hardware innovations…

A Unique User Interface Concept

TechCrunch just posted a video of a new user interface concept by Adaptive Labs called Aurora. I’m a big fan of new and unique ways for humans to interact with computers — I think it’s one of the best ways to try to get a handle on where the future of technology is going…

Adding Value is Always Cool

One of the predictions I made about the effects that the recession/depression will have on the IT spending was that it would separate the wheat from the chaff in the startup space, validating those companies that provide real value and impaling those that are built on hope and…

The SIZE of the network doesn’t matter

Today Seth Godin complains about the rising level of stupid content on the Net:

Now that everyone has their own channel, their own newspaper, their own
station, it’s pretty shocking how low the average has sunk. The
question is: will it

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