Top Stories published by Insurance 2.0 in September of 2008

Blog Redesign

I put a new coat of paint on the blog today. The old blog design was getting a little long in the tooth, and I’ve been wanting to redo it for a while. I had a dream of putting it off until the ideal personal identity platform was available, but I’ve resigned myself to sticking with Typepad for the next…

A Potential Solution to the SaaS Trust Problem

The other day I was thinking about how trust is the exposed Achilles heel of the SaaS model: if the customer can’t trust the service they’re using with their confidential data, they won’t use the service. This is a really big problem for startups…

Google Chrome Review

I’ve been playing with Google’s brand new browser, Chrome, over the past 24 hours and it’s already my favorite browser. I love it. It’s everything a browser should be, and nothing that it should not be.

Why Chrome?

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