10 Best Courses to Learn Quarkus, DropWizard, Vert.x, and MicroNaut, in 2024

My favorite free and best online courses to learn cutting edges Java Microservice frameworks like DropWizard, MicroNaut, Vert.x, and Quarkus from Udemy, Pluralsight, and YouTube

11 min readMar 27, 2021


10 Best Courses to Learn Quarkus, DropWizard, Vert.x, and MicroNaut

If you are creating Microservices in Java and want to explore frameworks like DropWizard, MicroNaut, Vert.x, and Quarkus then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared the best Microservices courses with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, and today, I will share the best online courses to learn Dropwizard, Vert.x, Quarkus, and Micronauts.

Online services are now dominating the world and we can not imagine living without using them such as social media as well as shopping but creating this kind of service is so complex and complicated and this is why the developer build a model called microservices architecture.

Microservices is the buzzword today and basically creating your software in a single unit rather than developing the whole service in one big application which will be so difficult to edit later and other disadvantages so they separate them into these small units and they connect with each other using APIs.

For that reason, many developers have created frameworks that can help build these microservices very easily such as Dropwizard which is a Java framework to develop high-performance restful web services, and many other frameworks similar such as Micronaunt, Vert.x from Eclipse, as well as Quarks and this article, will show you how to use these frameworks very easily.

Btw, if you are a Spring boot fan and If you want to learn Microservice development using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud then I highly recommend you check out Ranga Karnam’s Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course on Udemy. It’s my favorite course to learn Microservices for Java developers, very hands-on and step-by-step approach makes learning easy.

These are the best online courses and tutorials you can get to learn these modern Java frameworks for building cloud-native apps and Microservices.

Unfortunately, there are not many online courses available to learn frameworks like Quarkus and MicroNaut but API docs and guides are also very useful, along with these courses you can read them as well.

10 Best DropWizard, Vert.x, MicroNaut, and Quarkus Courses to Learn Online in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of the best online tutorials and courses from Udemy and YouTube to learn DropWizard, Vert.x, MicroNaut, and Quarkus in 2024. Udemy courses are very affordable and you can buy them for just $10 while the YouTube course is completely free to watch.

1. Starting with Quarkus by Antonio Goncalves

If you want to learn Quarkus in 2024 and looking for the best online course then this course is for you. In this course, instructor Antonio Goncalves will teach you how to build cloud-native Java backend applications with Quarkus.

This is one of the comprehensive and up-to-date courses to learn Quarkus, a leading Java framework for Microservices and cloud-native development, with more than 3.5 hours of content, you will learn Quarkus in depth. The course is divided into 10 parts, each covering a particular topic in depth.

Developing Java applications with Quarkus is fast and fun. The combination of Quarkus, Java, GraalVM, Docker, Kubernetes, and JPA makes it even more fun. And it’s even more fun to deploy it onto the cloud.

Here are the things you will learn in this course-

  • Basics of Quarkus Framework for Server-side development
  • How to create REST API with Quarkus
  • How to use Hibernate, JPA, Websockets with Quarkus
  • How to document endpoints with Quarkus
  • Reactive approach
  • How to use Swagger, Open API, and documentation made easy with Quarkus
  • RDBMS, NO-SQL with Quarkus
  • Messaging with Quarkus
  • Backend Security with Quarkus
  • Cloud, Kubernetes, Native images with Quarkus
  • How to use Kotlin with Quarkus

Overall a great course to learn Quarkus from scratch. Many examples follow the official Quarkus how-to guides, but you get a good explanation along the way. If you need a hands-on course then this is for you.

Here is the link to join this course Starting with Quarkus

best online course to learn Quarkus

2. Learn Micronaut — cloud-native microservices with Java

Micronaut is another modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. If you want to learn MicroNaut from scratch the this Udemy course is perfect for you.

You will be surprised how fast cloud-native applications can be built with Micronaut. The course starts with the basics and moves on to more and more details from section to section.

Here are the things covered in this course:

  • Dependency Injection and Application Configuration
  • Lombok Integration
  • Creating REST APIs & using Open API / Swagger
  • Custom REST API Clients
  • JWT Auth, JDBC Auth
  • Micronaut Data Access using PostgreSQL & MySQL
  • Messaging with Apache Kafka
  • How to use Web Sockets
  • Building GraalVM native Images
  • How to use Integrations like Redis, MongoDB, ElasticSearch

In short, one of the best online courses to learn MicroNaut in depth. You will not only learn MicroNaut basics but advanced features like integrations with Kafka and, Redis, etc. It also covered things on writing tests, which will help you to get started with Micronaut.

Here is the link to join this MicroNaut course Learn Micronaut — cloud-native microservices with Java

Best Online Courses to learn MicroNaut

3. Getting started with Dropwizard

This is one of the best online courses to learn Dropwizard, a modern Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTFul web services.

In this course, you will get an introduction about the REST technology and how it works then moving to using the Dropwizard framework and setup its environment and creating some simple projects such as registering authentication configuring HTTPS as well as database migration and connecting to databases and more.

Here are the things you will learn in this course:

  • Creating the database backend.
  • Using the database migration.
  • Securing your API authentication.

Here is the link to join this courseGetting started with Dropwizard

Best Online Courses to learn Dropwizard

4. Learn Vert.x — Reactive microservices with Java

If you don’t know, Vert.x is another leading Java Framework for building Reactive Microservices. It's an open-source, reactive, and polyglot framework from the developers of Eclipse.

If you want to learn Vert.x for building Reactive Microservices and Cloud-Native apps then this course is for you. Created by Daniel Prinz this course will teach you how to build a reactive web application using the Vert.x toolkit.

The 9.5 hours long course starts with the core features of Vert.x and throughout the course, you will learn more and more Vert.x modules. The course is also very hands-on and there are many coding examples.

If you need a hands-on course to learn Vert.x and Reactive Programming this course is for you.

here is the link to join this course — Learn Vert.x — Reactive microservices with Java

best online courses to learn Vertx

5. The Complete Microservices With Java

Another great course to teach you how to use the DropWizard framework to create microservices and deploy them into different environments but is required from you to have a basic understanding of java programming language as well as the MySQL database technology to get started.

Starting with some concepts of microservices then installing the environment and using the DropWizard framework to create some projects like Rest location resources and Data access layer as well as implement inserting new location and the technology of Docker and Kubernetes and much more.

Here are things you will learn in this course:

  • Use the DropWizard framework.
  • Create the database backend using this framework.
  • Learn Docker and Kubernetes.

Here is the link to join this course The Complete Microservices With Java

best DropWizard Microservices course for java programmers

6. Quarkus: Fundamentals By Antonio Goncalves [Pluralsight]

Quarkus is said to be a Supersonic Subatomic Java toolkit. But what does this mean? This course answer all the question you might have for quarkus like what Quarkus is, what it does, where it comes from, and what purposes it solves so you can decide if it's suited for your project.

This course is created by Antonio Gonclaves who doesn’t need any introduction. Having attended his Java EE and JPA courses I was very excited about this course when he announced it on Twitter and I wasn’t disappointed at all.

First, you’ll discover its internal architecture, how it works, and what technical benefits it brings then you will learn how to bootstrap a Quarkus application to running it on a Docker container.

Finally, you’ll learn the pros and cons of Quarkus, discover its vast ecosystem, and the way it compares with other frameworks. After completing this course, you’ll have the knowledge needed to decide if Quarkus is a good fit for your next Java project.

Here is the link to join this courseQuarkus: Fundamentals

best Quarkus courses on Pluralsight

By the way, you would need a Pluralsight membership to join this course which costs around $29 per month or $299 per year (14% discount).

I highly recommend this subscription to all programmers as it provides instant access to more than 7000+ online courses to learn any tech skill. Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-free-pass to watch this course for FREE.

7. Introduction to Micronaut [Free Course]

Let’s now move from the paid courses on Udemy and see some YouTube videos to help you learn more about the other framework that can be used to create microservices and one of them called Micronaut which is a java virtual machine framework to create microservices in Java, Kotlin or Groovy.

This youtube video introduced by the creator of the Micronaut framework itself, Graeme Rocher and tells you in this conference the challenges that facing java and software in general as well as some comparison between the microservices and serverless

You can watch this free MicroNaut course right here or on Youtube:

8. Introduction to Micronaut Lightweight Microservices [FREE]

Another great YouTube video to learn about the Micronaut Lightweight Microservices is this conference by the creator of this framework itself Graeme Rocher and showing the new release of this Micronaut Java framework and what’s new in this update.

The author talks about the benefits of his framework in developing high-quality microservices and some features such as the small process that can run with little 10MB java heap, as well as dependency injection and cloud-native and he, will also demonstrate how this framework can transfer your microservice to the next level by the AOT and much more.

You can watch this MicroNaut tutorial right here for FREE —

9. Quarkus: Supersonic, subatomic Java [Free Tutorial]

A good YouTube video showing you another great framework to use for creating microservices known as Quarkus which is a java framework made specifically for java virtual machines and is considered an effective platform for serverless as well as other platforms such as Kubernetes.

This YouTube video shows how the benefits of the Quarkus framework and how it works as well as demonstrating to you the advantages of using this java framework on optimizing the java application as well as your APIs and your microservices and make them very smaller and faster and more.

You can watch this tutorial right here for FREE:

10. 2024 Quarkus Fundamentals — Guide to Get Started in 1 Hour

Quarkus is another promising Java framework. It is forecasted to be the next big thing for 2024. This is for a really good reason, it is a high performance, easy to set up, and kubernetes-native based.

If you are looking for a Quarkus crash course where you will learn Quarkus by building something really quickly then this Udemy course is for you. The 2024 Quarkus Fundamentals course will teach you Quarkus in 1 hour by building 3 Quarkus apps.

This a really short course with 1-hour of content and 5 articles but it covers basic concepts which are very important. Here are things which are covered in this course:

  1. How to work with Quarkus
  2. Reactive Programming with Quarkus
  3. Writing an API with Quarkus

Here is the link to join this Quarkus crash course — 2024 Quarkus Fundamentals

best Udemy course to learn Quarkus

That’s all about the best online courses to learn Dropwizard, Quarkus, and MicroNaut framework for Microservice development in Java. These are the best and modern Java frameworks for developing cutting-edge, cloud-native, and reactive Microservices.

The Microservices technology has grown faster and the developers are considering using them in their application because it makes the creation and development very easy and one of the best frameworks to create them is DropWizard, Micronaut, Vert.x, and Quarks which was discussed in this article.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best DropWizard, Micronaut, and Quarks online courses then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you want to learn Microservice development using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud then I highly recommend you check out Ranga’s Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course on Udemy. This is one of the best and hands-on courses to learn Spring Boot and Spring Cloud with Microservices In Java. More than 90K people have already benefited from it.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com