5 Best Android Apps to Learn Java Language

Alex Vypirailenko
Published in
6 min readApr 9, 2021
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

So you decided to learn Java, even picked up a course to take, but here it turns out that you have an extremely busy schedule, and it’s very hard to open your laptop and start learning something. If the situation sounds very familiar then the best option for you is to switch to a course that is presented not only on a desktop but also in a mobile version.

There are very good platforms available on Android that can help you learn Java programming. So, let’s talk about these game-changing applications.

Java Programming Language

There are different programming languages but Java has stood strong among them all for almost two decades. Java can be used to build desktop & mobile apps, big data processing, embedded systems, and most importantly server-side enterprise-level apps.

Companies like Uber, Airbnb, and eBay function based on Java. Java is also a big player in IoT (internet of things). The best thing about this programming language is that it has evolved over a period of time, and now there are multiple tools available making Java development easy.

Its popularity can be measured from the fact stated by Oracle (the company that owns Java); there are 6 million Java developers worldwide and it runs on 3 billion devices.

As long as Java is such a popular language, quite a decent number of apps that can teach you Java have been created. Let’s take a closer look at my personal top five. We truly believe that these applications are a blessing if you have to learn Java on the run.

5 Best Apps for Android to Learn Java Language


Programming language: Java

CodeGym is one of the most efficient courses for learning Java programming. 80 percent of the course is dedicated to the practice and only 20 percent — to the theory. The main goal of the course is to develop your problem-solving skills in order to prepare you for working on real-life programmer tasks. The course is absolutely suitable for a hectic schedule, it does not require you to give full time.

Moreover, the course gives back the result of every task instantly so it’s easy for you to observe your learning progress. In these confusing times, CodeGym frees you from hectic courses, time bounds, and location limitations, you can learn anytime and anywhere as you have a choice either to learn from the website and mobile application. Completing this course will definitely get you equipped with Java coding.


  • There are more than 1200 coding tasks available at CodeGym
  • The course is gamified so it makes the learning process really exciting
  • Practice tasks are verified immediately and it’s easy to track the progress


  • You need to connect the keyboard if you intend to code


  • CodeGym app is for free

Click to Download


Programming language: Python, JavaScript, C++, HTML, Java, C#, SQL, PHP, CSS, jQuery, Ruby, Swift.

If you do not have any coding experience, then this course is a perfect choice for you. SoloLearn is designed especially for people with zero coding background. Just like how you edit your pictures through drag and drop of filters, SoloLearn also offers the same kind of coding, you are supposed to drag and drop different snippets of code to solve the assignment.

The practical tasks are very brief and take only a few minutes to solve. There are almost 42,758,088 learners at SoloLearn and the courses have almost 15000+ quizzes. We live in a world where knowledge is just one click away from your smartphones, and the best part of this course is that it teaches you in a fun way.

The user interface is brief and easy to learn with the four main features of SoloLearn:

Learn: Free coding lectures to help you learn

Play: Here you can have a healthy competition by challenging other users to have a battle

Code: An in-built development environment for you to code

Discuss: A discussion forum to get tips from senior developers and resolve your problems.


  • The community at SoloLearn is very helpful and encouraging
  • No coding background is required for this course
  • More than 2000 free lessons


  • Easily conveys knowledge, does not go into depths
  • The app does have some functionality issues


  • SoloLearn app is free

Click to Download

Programming Hub

Programming language: HTML, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, Swift, Python, R Programming, Java, Artificial Intelligence, CSS, etc.

With 1.8 billion people learning programming from this platform, it verifies the credibility of this course and its content. Unlike previous courses, here you learn by watching videos.

You can get a verified programmer hub certification by the end of each course, which gives a credible certification on your CV. With 5 million downloads and being featured on Product Hunt as the top 3 products, its main goal is to enable you to learn Java in a correct, efficient, at the same time fun way.


  • The compiler is built-in
  • The user interface can be customized
  • Java is taught in details


  • There is a subscription fee
  • The loading speed varies
  • The course does not offer anything for beginners


There is a subscription fee to access the facility. Programming Hub is offering the following membership plans:

  • $6.99/month
  • $14.59/6 months
  • $41.99/year

Click to Download


Programming language: SQL, Data Science, JavaScript, Python, Blockchain, CSS, HTML, Security, git, CompSci fundamentals, Linux, and Java.

A platform that facilitates both beginners and intermediate level audiences, is worth opting for. If you are eager to master Java, this platform is the best place for you to practice by solving coding challenges.

The experts monitor your performance regularly. Trainers believe that the way to approach a problem is the way to solve it and the time it takes you to solve it. It is the best method to learn to program when you are being supervised. The credibility of the course can be measured based on the fact that its learners work at Google, Netflix, Microsoft, and Amazon.


  • You are studying under the supervision
  • There are many games and quizzes so you don’t get bored


  • The content can be accessed only with the payment of subscription fees
  • Low loading speed
  • There are performance issues associated with the app


The basic version of Enki is free (very limited content). There is a $9/month subscription fee to access the rest of the course material.

Click to Download

Easy Coder

Programming language: Java

Same as other courses, this course is focused on practice and developing problem-solving skills. The course is really well-organized and topics are covered step-by-step. The progress is fast because you start coding from the very beginning. And again, the course is completely suitable for people with hectic schedules. With Easycoder you can learn Java in a pressure-less way.


  • The user interface is easy to operate
  • Quizzes and games are available to help you learn in a fun way
  • This course is suitable for both intermediate and beginner audience


  • Foreign subtitles are not available which limits the reach of this app
  • There are no other language options available, the course offers Java only


Easy Coder app is free. There’s a credit-based system — you have to complete challenges and quizzes to unlock premium content. You can purchase a package of credits as well.

Click to Download


If you have an Android phone, you have access to all the above-mentioned courses. It is indeed a blessing that you no longer need to be stuck to the computer to learn a programming language. The above-mentioned 5 apps can help you learn Java programming on the go. The only thing that is required is your dedication to the studying process. Make a bit of effort and you will get maximum results.

