6 Best Places to Learn React.js Coding for FREE in 2024

List of websites, places, and platforms and online portals to learn React.js for FREE

8 min readFeb 25, 2021


6 Best Websites to Learn React.js Coding for FREE
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If you want to learn Reactjs and looking for the best places to learn React then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the 2024 React.js Developer RoadMap, the best React.js courses, and books, and today, I am going to share the best places to learn React for FREE and online.

If you don’t know, React.js is a Javascript library and open-source created by the Facebook development team used for building the UI or user interface for the front-end website.

It makes the interaction with your website so simple such as a single page application a mobile application, and dynamic components like the search bar are a component.

Most of the front-end pages actually contain many files such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and maybe more than that but with React you can combine all of that work in one file and make the website load much speedy.

Also, instead of rendering the whole page when you click on some component you actually render that component only so that makes it more powerful in terms of visual and losing speed.

Given the power of React.js and its popularity, most companies are using React.js for building their fronted or GUI. It makes a lot of sense to learn React.js for both beginners and experienced Java developers who want to become full-stack developers and these are the websites where you can learn React.js for FREE.

6 Platforms to Learn React.js Online for FREE in 2024

Here is a list of the best places to learn React.js online for free, I have handpicked these resources with a couple of React and JavaScript experts.

I have purposefully chosen as few resources as possible but still with some options. Just in case you have any other useful React websites which teach React development for FREE then feel free to suggest.

1. Udemy

This is one of the best platform to learn programming and development skills online. Udemy has thousands of free online courses in different industries from marketing to business and technology and various programming languages React is one of them and there are more than three thousand courses only for this topic.

When you search Udemy you will find a lot of free React js courses but not all of them are good, some of them are very short and some of them are not up-to-date, but there are still many free React courses that are worth joining like the React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners which is an up-to-date React course and intended to teach you the basics of Hooks and working with API and some other small features.

Here is a list of some of my favorite free React.js courses from Udemy:

  1. React basic in just 1 hour
  2. React Fundamentals
  3. React with Redux, React-Router, Hooks, and Auth0
  4. Build your first React JS Application
  5. React for Beginners with Hooks — 2024
best React courses on Udemy

These are just a few examples, I have compiled a list of free React courses from Udemy which you can check if you need more examples. Another good thing about Udemy is that they frequently run flash sales where they offer a $200 React course for just $9 which is as good as free.

If you can spend a few bucks on learning something as valuable as React.js then I also recommend you to check out the React — The Complete Guide by Maximillian Scwarzmuller on Udemy.

This is not free but one of the biggest courses intended to help you build an amazing and useful React application such as a single page application and learning advanced Redux routing deploying the app and more.

2. Coursera

Coursera is another great platform that offers courses specialization degrees professional courses created by the top universities around the world as well as organizations in different industries such as data science and programming and React is one of the tutorials out there.

Starting with the best course for React called Front-End Web Development with React and will teach you its component and JSX then move to some advanced concepts such as React routing and designing a single page application and the flow architecture and Redux creating client-server communication and how to use the REST API and more.

best React course on Coursera

This course is also part of Full-stack Web Development with React.js from Hong Kong University. One of the most popular React specialization on Coursera.

By the way, When it comes to joining this course, you have two options, you can either join this course alone which costs around $39 per month for specialization, you can also join Coursera Plus for $399 per month, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

3. Reactjs.org (Official Website)

Always learning any kind of programming language or framework from the official documentation is a good idea since it was written by the professional who has created or developed that technology so it covers every aspect and almost no mistake in their tutorials.

Start by installing the environment like adding the react to your website and start your very first Hello World example then rendering elements and components and much more advanced techniques such as optimizing the performance building your own Hooks and much more you will explore inside the documentation.

best platform to learn React.js

4. freeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp is a non-profits organization that has more than six thousand tutorials about technology and programming on their websites and YouTube channels and their graduates have got a good job after graduating and taking the courses offered by them.

There are many good resources to learn React.js on freeCodeCamp and Build an Online Store is one of the best projects that you can see to learn how to use React and other technology combining them to create a useful project and deploy it in amazon web service AWS and adding some features such as strip payment to be a complete store created from scratch in one video.

You can watch this free React.js course right here:

5. Pluralsight

Pluralsight is another e-Learning website or platform that has thousands of classes created by professional instructor since this website restrict anybody from teaching if he does not have the skills in what he offers to people and one of the courses out there is React.

When it comes to learning to React on Pluralsight, Building Applications with React and Redux is the best course intended to be for intermediate people who have some basic understanding of javascript and React to build React applications using modern technologies.

If you are not intermediate and you want to learn the basics then you should see this React: The Big Picture course targeted the beginner who is just starting their career in React.

best websites to learn React.js

By the way, you would need a Pluralsight membership to join this React course which costs around $29 per month or $299 per year (14% discount). I highly recommend this subscription to all programmers as it provides instant access to more than 7000+ online courses to learn any tech skill. Alternatively, you can also use their 10-day-free-trial to watch this React course for FREE.

6. AlterClass

This is another good website to learn about Reactjs online. It has one of the best paid online React courses which covers everything you need to know to become a React expert but you may not know that it also has a free module where you can learn React Fundamentals for FREE.

The React Fundamentals course on Alterclass is completely FREE and good enough to learn the basics of Rect js frameworks like props, state management, and JSX.

The course is taught by Greg D’Angelo, a senior software engineer and mentor specializing in teaching React, JavaScript, and much more. He has been working with React, Node, and MongoDB for the last few years to build large-scale production applications in a wide range of industries

best Places to learn React.js

That’s all about the top 6 places to learn React for FREE in 2024. You can join any of these websites to learn Reactjs from 2024 scratch. Everyone is looking to create a good user interface for their websites or mobile apps because they gave them a competitive advantage and make the digital interaction for users more easy and simple and that will acquire them more clients and profits and that can be possible with a Javascript library called React.

After learning React.js you can also explore React Native to develop a high-quality frontend for mobile applications. The best thing about React Native is that you can leverage your JavaScript and React.js knowledge to build cross-platform apps.

Other React.js and Web development articles you may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these free React.js websites, please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, please drop a note.

All the best.

P. S. — If you just want to do one thing at this moment to kickstart your React.js journey, just go and join The Modern React with Redux [2024 Update] course by Stephen Grider on Udemy. You will learn React.js quickly and never regret your decision.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com