How to manage transactions in Distributed Systems and Microservices?

In this article you will learn about 3 ways to manage transactions in distributed systems and microservices such as two-phase commit, SAGA, and event sourcing.



How to manage transactions in Distributed Systems and Microservices?

Hello guys, if you are preparing for Microservices interview question then you may know that how do you manage transactions in a distributed system or Microservices? is one of the popular Microservice interview question and why not, its one of the important concept.

In the past, I have shared essential Microservices design principles and best practices as well popular Microservices design patterns and in this article, I will answer this question and also tell you different ways to handle transactions in distributed system.

If you have worked in Microservices architecture, then you know that a single business transaction often spans to multiple microservices and it that’s why its challenging to ensure data consistency and manage transactions.

A poorly managed transaction can lead to data inconsistencies, lost updates, or duplicate records, which can have serious consequences for the business.




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