Difference between Microservices and Monolithic Architecture for Java Interviews

What are differences between Monolith and Microservices architecture? Pros and cons, and when to use each of them



Difference between Microservices and Monolith Architecture

Hello guys, one of the common question on Java developer interviews for senior and experienced developer is, “difference between monolith and Micro service architecture?”. With the growing popularity of Microservices, you I am seeing more and more questions from Microservices on Java Interviews and this is one of the starter question.

Earlier, I have shared 25 Advanced Java questions, 25 Spring Framework questions, 20 SQL queries from Interviews, 50 Microservices questions, 60 Tree Data Structure Questions, 15 System Design Questions, and 35 Core Java Questions for Java developer interview and in this article, I am going to explain about Microservices and Monolith from Java interview point of view.

While both Monolith and Microservices are two different architectural styles for building software applications, there are quite a lot differences between them.

In case of monolith architecture, your entire application is packaged and deployed together while in case of Microservices architecture an application is broken into a collection of small




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