Review — Is Google’s Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate on Coursera Worth it?

If you want to learn Data Analytics with Python then this course is for you

10 min readApr 29, 2023


Hello folks, I am excited to inform you that Google has launched a new Data Analytics certification on Coursera called Google Advanced Data Analytics Professional certificate. If you remember, they already have a popular Google Data Analytics certification which was taken by millions of people and which have many to learn Data analytics and event get jobs. and now they have come up with another one, arguably an advanced course for Data Analytics.

If you are interested in advancing your career in the field of data analytics? and wondering if the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate is worth your time and investment then you have come to the right place. This article provides a detailed review of the course content to help you understand what skills you can gain and how they can benefit your career.

As I said, Google has launched a new Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate on Coursera which is said to be the more advanced version of the original Google data analytics professional certificate.

When I took their previous Data Analytics certification, I liked it very much but one thing which was bothered me is that it was more focused on R programming language than Python and thankfully, Google realized that people need a Data Analytics certification focused on Python.

The new certification is heavily focused on Python, with 90% of the course dedicated to it. The certification is divided into 7 courses, ranging from an introduction to data science, learning Python, regression analysis, and machine learning.

There is also a little bit of Tableau but mostly the course is based on Python. The course is expected to take about 6 months to complete, with a time frame of studying under 10 hours per week.

What is Google Advanced Data Analytics Certification?

As I said, this is new Professional certificate from Google on Coursera which was launched on April 6th and is meant to be the more advanced version of the original Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate, which was massively popular. I

With over 144,000 open jobs in advanced data analytics and a median salary of $118,000 for entry-level roles, this professional certificate from Google is designed to help you take your career to the next level.

With less than 10 hours of study per week, you can complete the program in less than six months. As per certification information, upon completion, you can apply for jobs with Google and over 150 U.S. employers, including Deloitte, Target, and Verizon. Additionally, 75% of certificate graduates report a positive career outcome within six months of completion.

If you’re looking to acquire concrete skills that top employers are hiring for right now, read on to find out if this Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate is right for you.

Is Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate on Coursera Worth it?

Similar to our previous review article, we will review this new Google certification on following parameters:

  1. Instructor skill and experience
  2. Course content
  3. Course structure
  4. Production Quality
  5. Cost
  6. Time
  7. Value

So, let’s first start with the instructor review, find out who created this course and whether they are expert Data Analyst or not and all.

1. Instructor Review

The Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate is created by Google Career Certificates and instructed by a team of experienced Google employees with decades of experience in advanced data analytics and data science.

While the specific names of the instructors are not disclosed, the content is designed and developed by a team of experts who are knowledgeable and experienced in the field.

Additionally, the program has received positive feedback from many graduates who have reported positive career outcomes within six months of completion. So, when it comes to instructor experience and expertise, having Google behind it you are pretty much in safe hands.

2. Certification Review

The certification was launched on April 6th and is meant to be the more advanced version of the original Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate, which was massively popular. Now, we will be taking an initial look at the certification, looking at all the things that they teach and how they teach it.

The certificate program consists of seven courses that build upon your existing data analytics skills and experience.

You will learn essential skills such as data science, regression models, predictive modeling, exploratory data analysis (EDA), statistical analysis, machine learning, Python programming, data analysis, Jupyter Notebook, Tableau software, data visualization, and Kaggle.

It includes over 200 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments, which simulate real-world advanced data analytics scenarios. Upon completion of the program, you will be prepared for jobs like senior data analyst, junior data scientist, data science analyst, and more.

As I said before the certificate is heavily focuses on Python, with 90% of the course being on that language. This is a direct competitor to the IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate here on Coursera, which is also heavily Python focused.

The course content is also highly interactive and exclusively developed by Google employees with decades of experience in advanced data analytics and data science.

You will learn essential platforms and tools such as Jupyter Notebook, Python, and Tableau. You will also complete a capstone project that you can share with potential employers to showcase your new skill set.

Now, let’s checkout the individual courses in this certificaiton program

1. Foundations of Data Science

This course is an introduction to data as a whole, covering what data analysis is, what data professionals do, and the skills they need to learn. This is not really advanced but basic course designed for beginners to get them familiar with Data Science.

2. Get Started with Python

This is the second course in this program as I said, its heavily focused on Python so this course is required for new folks who are not familiar with Python.

In this course, you will learn the basics of Python, including data types, for loops, functions, and other fundamental concepts. The course integrates Jupyter Notebooks.

Again, this is not really an advanced course but basic Python course which you would need to go if you don’t know Python but if you already know Python, you can probably skip this course.

3. Go Beyond the Numbers: Translate Data into Insights

This is the first advanced course in this advanced Data Analytics certification by Google. This course teaches you how to take raw data and turn it into actionable insights using Python and Tableau.

Yes, you will learn Tableau in this course to create visualization which make sense and which is required by business folks. Data Visualization is one of the most essential skill for Data Analytics and this course will teach you that.

4. The Power of Statistics

This is another advanced level course on this certification and experienced folks will love this course but beginners can also learn a lot here. This course covers the fundamentals of statistics, including hypothesis testing, statistical significance, and regression.

5. Regression Analysis: Simplify Complex Data Relationships

This is the fifth of seven courses in the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate. Data professionals use regression analysis to discover the relationships between different variables in a dataset and identify key factors that affect business performance.

In this course, you’ll practice modeling variable relationships. You’ll learn about different methods of data modeling and how to use them to approach.

This course also teaches you how to perform regression analysis to simplify complex data relationships.

6. The Nuts and Bolts of Machine Learning

You may be thinking why on earth I need to learn Machine LEarning if I want to become Data Analytics but in real world you will probably need this skill, as you have to wear many hats.

This course covers the basics of machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning, as well as deep learning. So, you will learn modeling and skills like which uses algorithms and statistics to teach computer systems to discover patterns in data.

7. Google Advanced Data Analytics Capstone

This is the final course on this Google’s advanced Data Analytics certification which allows you to apply everything you’ve learned in a real-world project.

As part of this project, you will build a solution to help Google HR to make data driven decision by screening resumes etc.

This is probably the most important part of this certification and I highly recommend you to complete this to not just get the certiication but also learn how to apply all the data Analysis tools and techniques you have learned so far.

Overall, the Google Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate looks like an excellent option for anyone looking to learn more about data analytics and Python. With the support of Coursera, it is sure to be a well-structured and informative course.

Time, Cost, Production Quality, and Value

The Google Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate can be started for free, but to take the entire certification, you have to pay for it. It is expected to take about six months to complete if you study under 10 hours per week.

You can start the certification with 7-day free trial after that its $39 per month. If you take 2 months to complete then its just $78 but if you are not in rush you can complete it 4 months and it will cost you $156.

Alternative, you can join Coursera Plus, a subscription plan which allows you unlimited access of Coursera’s more than 7000+ courses, certification, and professional certificate including this one for $399 per year.

If you want to join multiple courses on Coursera, I highly recommend you to join Coursera Plus, its not only cost saving but also flexible as you can start with any course any time without going into hassle of purchasing and making payment

It’s also very well made course so you will enjoy the professional quality of learning when you take this course on Coursera.


In conclusion, the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate is a comprehensive program that can help you enhance your data analytics skills and take your careers to the next level. The course content covers a wide range of topics, including data science, machine learning, data analysis, and data visualization, and is designed by Google experts with decades of experience in the field.

With the growing demand for experienced data analytics professionals and the competitive salaries that come with it, this certificate can be a valuable investment in one’s career. The program is flexible, with under 10 hours of study per week, and can be completed in less than six months.

Furthermore, the program provides practical, hands-on experience through simulations of real-world advanced data analytics scenarios, giving students the opportunity to apply their skills in a practical setting. Graduates of the program have reported positive career outcomes, including new job opportunities, promotions, and salary raises.

Overall, if you’re looking to enhance your data analytics skills and take your career to the next level, the Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate can be a valuable investment. With its comprehensive curriculum, practical experience, and industry recognition, this program can help you achieve your career goals and open doors to new opportunities in the field of advanced data analytics.

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And, if you have not taken already, it's also worth checking the original Data Analytics Professional certificate by Google which was taken by millions of people.




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