User Testing Report

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Jeffrey Rawizza
3 min readOct 21, 2020


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What is user testing?

User testing is when you take a prototype of your product, in my case an app, and have people from your target audience use your prototype to test your assumptions about the user. The goal of the testing is to find common issues that the users have while using your app, so you can fix them before creating the final product.

My User Tests

My user tests went really well, there weren’t many issues that my users encountered. During my tests I was testing the UI, the users ability to navigate the app and find what they are looking for, the icons and the main flow of the app, to see if the users got stuck anywhere. I encountered no major issues throughout my tests.

Tester 1: Emma McGuire

Emma McGuire was my first tester. She is a graphic design student making her fit into my audience of creatives. Emma’s initial reaction to the app was positive. She had no issues navigating throughout the app to the many places I requested her to go to. Emma said that the process of creating a new card was easy. The issues that Emma had with the app were the the text inputs were a little small and that the current prompts pop-up was too much text.

  • Make the text input fields larger
  • change the pop-up headings to be more graphical
  • easy to post and create new card
  • no navigational issues

Tester 2: Addy Alvarado

My next tester was Addy, who is also a graphic design student. Addy also had no issues navigating the app, saying that “the layout and style is very accessible and intuitive”. The issues that Addy had were with a couple of my loading icons and he had issues pulling up the more options menu.

  • no navigational issues
  • confusing loading icons
  • issues pulling up more options menu for cards

Tester 3: Gabe Tinge

My last tester was Gabe, he is also a graphic design student. Like the other testers he also had no issues navigating the app, other than some confusion on pulling up the more options menu for an individual card. The other things that Gabe had issues with or found confusing were the current prompt menu was lot of text, the titles in the drop down menu for selecting a prompt for your card.

  • more options menu button on back of card
  • prompt drop down move the titles to the left
  • current prompt menu was a lot of text
  • social icons on the account page were nice
  • like the cards theme

What this means for my app

This means that my assumptions about the UI were correct as none of my users had issues navigating the app. The things that I will be changing are minor and include:

  • increasing the size of the text inputs
  • adding a button to the back of the cards for the more options menu
  • including little banners on the current prompts pop-up to break up all the text
  • looking into different loading icons for the game section of the app

Overall I would say testing was a huge success and I got a lot of good and useful feedback even if I was only able to test a three people. If you are interested you can view my XD prototype here.



Jeffrey Rawizza

I am an Interactive Design Major at Maryville University. My main interests in Interactive Design are animation, illustrations, and web development.