Quick Intro To Motor Drivers

An Overview How-to’s For Hobbyist Guide — Ardu_Serie#47

6 min readOct 25, 2018


From this post on we will investigate the options for motor drivers on the hobbyist’s market; click on the links to see details about each driver ;)

L91102 — Motor control driver chip
ULN2003–12vdc stepper motor driver
L298N — Dual Full-Bridge Driver
Based on Power Mosfet (most efficient options)
IRF144N IRF3205 IRF520 IFR344N
EasyDriver — Stepper Motor Driver
A4988 — Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
DRV8825 — Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, High Current
TB6612FNG — Motor Driver — Dual — 1A
Adafruit Motor Shield v1
Adafruit Motor Shield v2
SN754410 — Quadruple Half-H Driver datasheet (Rev. C)
TLC5940–16-Channel LED Driver
BIG EASYDRIVER — can drive up to a max of 2A per phase
VNH2SP30 — Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driver
MP6500 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer Current Control
DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
DRV8880 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Voltage Regulators
TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Super Silence Module
MKS LV8729 Stepper Motor Driver 4-layer Substrate Ultra Quiet Driver

L9110— Motor control driver chip

L9110 Datasheet

ULN2003–12vdc stepper motor driver

ULN2003 Datasheet

L298N — Dual Full-Bridge Driver

L298 Datasheet




IFR344N — Based on Power Mosfet (most efficient options)

Mosfet Driver

EasyDriver — Stepper Motor Driver

EasyDriver ( image from Sparkfun)

A4988 — Stepper Motor Driver Carrier

A4988 ( image from Pololu)

DRV8825 — Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, High Current

DRV8825 (image from Pololu)

TB6612FNG — Motor Driver — Dual — 1A

TB6612FNG from SparkFun (image from https://www.sparkfun.com/)

Adafruit Motor Shield v1

Adafruit Motor Shield v1 Tutorial (image from https://www.adafruit.com/)

Adafruit Motor Shield v2

Adafruit Motor Shield v2 Tutorial (image from https://www.adafruit.com/)

MC3479 Stepper Motor Controller

Image from http://www.bristolwatch.com/arduino/arduino5.htm

Others options:

SN754410 Quadruple Half-H Driver datasheet (Rev. C)

TLC5940–16-Channel LED Driver With DOT Correction and Grayscale PWM Control

BIG EASYDRIVER — can drive up to a max of 2A per phase

BIG EASYDRIVER (Image from: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/12859)

VNH2SP30 Automotive fully integrated H-bridge motor driver

VNH2SP30 (Image from: https://geezee.com.pk/product/monster-motor-shield-vnh2sp30/)

MP6500 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, Potentiometer Current Control

MP6500 (image from https://www.pololu.com)

DRV8834 Low-Voltage Stepper Motor Driver Carrier —This driver operates from 2.5–10.8 V, allowing stepper motors to be powered with voltages that are too low for other drivers, and can deliver up to approximately 1.5 A per phase continuously without a heat sink or forced air flow (up to 2 A peak).

DRV8834 (image from https://www.pololu.com)

DRV8880 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier — This driver’s current limit can be dynamically reduced to save power, and it has an autotune feature that automatically selects the decay mode that results in the smoothest current waveform.

DRV8880 (image from https://www.pololu.com)

A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Voltage Regulators — It has two voltage regulators (5 V and 3.3 V), eliminating the need for separate logic and motor supplies.

A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier with Voltage Regulators (image from https://www.pololu.com)

TMC2100 Stepper Motor Driver Super Silence Module

MKS LV8729 Stepper Motor Driver 4-layer Substrate Ultra Quiet Driver

Which one is the best?

Based on the experiment of fellow Julio Aguirre — Control de Motores — Que puente en H usar? here is a truth table:

Graph-Based on Julio Aguirre Experiment

In sequence, the best options are Power Mosfet and TB6612FNG.

He found that drivers based on the Darlington configuration are penalized by the current consumption on the boards demonstrating low efficiency (ie L293D and L298N).

Check out the posts below while I’m studying each of the drives and waiting for the postman. Thanks and until the next adventure:)

References and Credits:

Motor control driver chip — Datasheet




Arduino DC Motor Control by H Bridge L9110 with code

How to use Arduino CNC Shield

How to use the HG7881 (L9110) Dual Channel Motor Driver Module

L9110 H-bridge module





Arduino CNC shield the simplest test

Arduino CNC Shield Instructions

Arduino & Visuino: Control DC Motor with L9110S Driver

Download All Files from Google Drive and Github

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Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!