Top Stories published by Keith Hennessey in April of 2009

Four unpleasant options for TARP funding

Despite Secretary Geithner’s statement to the contrary, I still think the Administration is running out of room within the $700 B Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). In my last four posts on TARP funding (1 2 3 4), I have stuck to what I think I can…

CBO: Health IT and preventive care won’t save a lot of money

It looks like my post from yesterday agrees with CBO’s December paper. Maybe I should have read it earlier.

Yesterday I wrote,

Information must be combined with the incentive

What happened to FREE markets in London?

Thanks to Reuters’ MacroScope blog for noticing:

Keith Hennessey, a former top economic adviser to President George W. Bush, saw this one coming. He rightly predicted that the Group of 20 would drop a key word from its communique at…

Does the President’s budget cut the deficit in half?

Budget Director Peter Orszag wrote on his blog yesterday that he thinks “Debt held by the public net of financial assets is the most meaningful measure of current federal debt.”

Intro to TARP — TARP I: Buying bad assets

Yesterday we created a simple example of Large Bank, which made some bad loans and now has two problems:

  1. It doesn’t have enough capital.
  2. It has downside risk on its balance sheet due to the uncertain value…

These were the top 10 stories published by Keith Hennessey in April of 2009. You can also dive into daily archives for April of 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.