Top Stories published by Keith Hennessey in 2009

Maybe I should learn Mandarin

I reported last week that the Chinese firm Netease has, with my permission, set up a Chinese mirror of this blog.

Here is the traffic report for the 10-day period from May 24 to June 2 inclusive:

  • Visits to US site: 25,006

Four unpleasant options for TARP funding

Despite Secretary Geithner’s statement to the contrary, I still think the Administration is running out of room within the $700 B Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP). In my last four posts on TARP funding (1 2 3 4), I have stuck to what I think I can…

Third party payment in health care

The Senate Finance Committee hosted a huge panel of experts yesterday to discuss health insurance. The best testimony was given by Dr. Kate Baicker of Harvard, a former White House colleague of mine. I highly recommend you read anything Kate writes. I will crib from…

These were the top 10 stories published by Keith Hennessey in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.