Soft_Installs&Scene — UnityGameDebut

Go Sniper Go — Episode #01

4 min readFeb 27, 2018


This is a continuation of this post…make your first game in Unity:); All we did was to present same concepts applied in our Unity Project; now, we’re going to preparing our first scene; In case you didn’t download Unity, this post will help you; First thing first: let’s prepare our machine!

In urban settings, what are some best positions for a sniper?

Let’s get to the game.

Step #01Install Unity. Follow the official webpage procedure:

Step #02File > New Project and choose your project’s name:)

Step #03Right-click below the Assets and choose to Create > Folder, and name it as Scenes;

Step #05 — Go to File >Save Scene as… choose Scenes folder just created; Type Scene1;

Step #06—The idea of this project is that the enemies happen to appear randomly and shoot at us; we have to shoot them before they cause serious damage; we have HUD — Heads Up Display that shows the time ammo and our health value.

Technically we need Terrains, Enemies, Soldier, Crosshair, etc, the so-called Assets.

Here is a list of all my Assets at this very time: visit each page to get acquaintance of some assets used in this project and once logged click Add To My Asset button to download each resource:

UNITY TECHNOLOGIES — Post Processing Stack



Simple Modern Crosshairs: Pack 1 — Icons


JACEK JANKOWSKI — Simple Modular Street Kit

NOBIAX / YUGHUESYughues Free Concrete Pipes

NONECG — NYC Block #6

SOUND EARTH GAME AUDIO —Post-Apocalypse Guns

Step #07— Import Environment package that contains terrains, trees, water…Assets > Import Packages > Environment;

Then the import dialog pops up, click Import;

Step #08 — Make the terrain in Blender (this will be the next upcoming tutorial) — but If you wish to get ahead I’m offering my work for free, yeap:D. Just import this package and you are ready to go!

Get 3WaterTank.fbx [from my Google Driver UNITY-01]

Step #09 — Tape Assets > Import new Assets and point to the file you’ve just downloaded. Make adjustments to the scene. Crude uh? make your art now:b

Step #10 — Drag n’ drop 3WaterTank.fbx to Scene; Save it and This is the result of my scenario:)

All right, cool!
Look at that! uh-hunnn…
Starting to look like a scene from BR.Sniper — 3WaterTowerAssalt — The Game, isn’t it?

Compare with the actual place: The Three Box Water or Praça das 3 Marias, Porto Velho — RO — Brazil:

Unity is best learned by doing! Never fear, we will quickly guide you for your first game ever, like me …next post is coming…be tuned!


# 0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10

GitHub Repo

References & Credits

Making a Game with Unity (1–10): Basics by Jayanam

— Edited at Jan/2019 with the help of this app — Grammarly




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!