Go to Killing Medusa
Killing Medusa
We synthesize concepts from physics, philosophy, literary criticism, military strategy and visual cognition into a model for decoding the linear illusion created by our false God: alphabetic text.
Note from the editor

Alphabetic writing is the most powerful biological force on the planet. And it’s an illusion. This publication is the “live” component of our experiment in decoding the crude linearity of written text to illuminate the cyclical networks of abstract energy behind its Screen. The merits of this unorthodox model will be revealed by the accuracy of our predictions in this publication, which monitors the Great Game of Petroleum within the propaganda systems of the Anglo-American Empire. We have decided to publish on Medium for two reasons. First, we need a time-stamped “paper trail” to show potential partners. Second, what better place to toss some iconoclastic missiles than a platform of alphabetic believers. That said, we do harbor hope in finding some converts, especially among the scientific set. For our decoding model is based on three famous concepts cribbed from the meta-cognitive work of John Boyd: Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem, Heisenberg’s Uncertainly Principe and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Go to the profile of Percy P. Perseus
Percy P. Perseus
Just trying to decode the alphabetic illusion by channeling my experience in propaganda systems, combat and backcountry skiing