Top Stories published by Knowledge Economy in 2016

Australian universities have a critical role in supporting knowledge-driven economic growth. This Deloitte Access Economics report demonstrates the considerable benefits that Australian universities can generate for our nation.

The economic contributions of Australia’s research universities — UNSW | Deloitte Australia

Assistant Minister of Education and Skills Development, Mr Fedelis Molao has said … by investing in educating its citizenry, government was diversifying from diamonds to knowledge based economy which can compete globally and as such parents as key stakeholders should accordingly take the role.

Botswana: Knowledge Based Economy Sustainable Investment

Canada’s future lies in the innovation-powered knowledge economy. Indeed, the nation’s leaders are well aware of the need for new ideas and approaches to meet the nation’s looming innovation, productivity and prosperity challenges.

The future of the knowledge economy is local | Toronto Star
Richard Florida

He [Universities Minister Jo Johnson] will say that the “modern knowledge economy” depends on researchers working across borders and point to studies showing overwhelming support for remaining in the EU among scientists and university leaders.

Brexit ‘could mean loss of science superpower status’

These were the top 10 stories published by Knowledge Economy in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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“I’m pro-knowledge economy” Mark Zuckerberg
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