Top Stories published by Knowledge Economy in September of 2016

Canada’s future lies in the innovation-powered knowledge economy. Indeed, the nation’s leaders are well aware of the need for new ideas and approaches to meet the nation’s looming innovation, productivity and prosperity challenges.

The future of the knowledge economy is local | Toronto Star
Richard Florida

The sooner we acknowledge that the knowledge economy is going to be the future for Queensland and the future for the Gold Coast the sooner the city could be the knowledge-economy capital.

Griffith University — Dean Gould

Building Africa’s Knowledge Economy

Development economists often differ with one another, but they agree on this: the knowledge economy will be the foundation of every nation’s progress in the twenty-first century. Yet while East Asia and other regions have been making substantial gains in building a…

Dr Clinton added that “VC-backed firms are an important constituent in helping to build a knowledge economy. We found that high tech companies account for 98pc of funds raised which is the highest technology weighting in Europe and more equivalent to Silicon Valley”.

Venture capital firms provide over 1,000 jobs annually

“Heads of state came together and decided that education has to contribute to making Africa a knowledge economy. You cannot have a knowledge economy without higher education institutions. Universities in Africa are expected to play a role in the generation of knowledge.”

Multiple positive signs for African higher education