Seizing that opportunity could help secure their financial future as well as meeting an unmet need in the knowledge economy, he told last week’s TAFE NSW seminar on higher education.
This initiative is in pursuance with Vision of the Government of Pakistan, which endeavors to encourage entrepreneurship-led growth. These tech start-ups will help us as a nation better embrace the innovation-centric knowledge economy,” said Ms. Anusha Rahman Khan.
National incubation center to accept first round of startup applications
There is no doubt that the quantitative notion of GDKP [Gross Domestic Knowledge Product], with the model explored by India, which is much more then just the traditional Knowledge economy metric, would provide strong fuel for maintaining…
The “OBIO H2BB™ Program is intended to benefit all participants, interns and industry companies alike, to facilitate development of our knowledge economy and create leadership that understands emerging technology trends to ultimately…