Go to Ladies That UX PT
Ladies That UX PT
Conteúdo em português da Comunidade Ladies That UX
Note from the editor

Comunidade de Ladies em UX do maior país da américa latina

Go to the profile of Tereza Alux
Tereza Alux
Designer de Experiências, Professora e Diretora Global da Comunidade da Ladies That UX
Go to the profile of Sylvia Madeira
Sylvia Madeira
UX Researcher | Apaixonada por Design, curiosa e eterna aprendiz.
Go to the profile of vaniateofilo
CX UX | Strategy, Insights, Research, Service Design & Innovation
Go to the profile of Thaís Haro
Thaís Haro
ux writer
Go to the profile of Mariana Ozaki
Mariana Ozaki
Service & Interaction designer | Ladies that UX EMEA Director
Go to the profile of Manuela Lauria
Manuela Lauria
Product Design | UX | Design Thinking
Go to the profile of Amanda Lira
Go to the profile of Luíza Côrtes
Go to the profile of Gabriela Lima
Gabriela Lima
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Aline Arielo
Go to the profile of Natasha Büchler
Natasha Büchler
I talk design in business language! Product Design Manager @ BEES; Mentor of Product & Ux; Ux Professor ; Feminist & Exhausted!
Go to the profile of Pri Barella
Pri Barella
UX Designer and Product Thinking Enthusiast based in Rio de Janeiro. Passionate about People, Music, and Great Stories.
Go to the profile of Carolina Maia
Go to the profile of Ingrid Castro
Ingrid Castro
Gosto das pessoas, da tecnologia, da natureza, da fé e da paz. Busco a conexão para tudo isso. UX designer, aprendiz na maternidade. Mãe da Júlia.
Go to the profile of Suzana Ribeiro
Suzana Ribeiro
Content Designer | UX Writer Gosto de resolver problemas complicados e de adotar gatos,
Go to the profile of Bruna de Castro
Go to the profile of Luma Cabral
Luma Cabral
Restlessly designing the world that I’d like to live and love at. Designing at Fjord, part of Accenture
Go to the profile of Livia Chauar
Livia Chauar
Product designer at OLX, mentor and UN online volunteer. Gaming addict and hobbyist illustrator.
Go to the profile of Amyris Fernandez
Amyris Fernandez
I am a curious, restless, hardworking person. My focus is the future of work, education, and all related skill set changes. Owner: http://www.mirante.me
Go to the profile of Sheylla Lima
Sheylla Lima
For more UX Research content follow me on Instagram @sheylla_uxresearch and Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheyllalima
Go to the profile of Talita Viegas
Talita Viegas
I am a designer who values discovery, action and empathy. Always thinking about human relationships, projecting the best for and with people.
Go to the profile of Maryanne Cury
Go to the profile of Nathália Aguiar
Go to the profile of Isabela Sousa Guimarães
Isabela Sousa Guimarães
Product Designer at Pipefy, LTUX UDI Chapter Leader, and Ladycaster at LTUX in Portuguese. Masters' student in Design at Unesp. Gamification enthusiast. ❤
Go to the profile of Fabiane Zambon
Fabiane Zambon
🍏 I'm an expert in Brazilians' financial behavior to Growth Strategy (PF & PJ) - Prototyping Chatbot, App, ERP; A/B Testing, Data UX Research and IA Content
Go to the profile of Luisa Brandt
Luisa Brandt
Entrepreneur, founder at May Health - www.mayhealth.co
Go to the profile of Ludmila Rocha
Ludmila Rocha
UX Writer / Copywriter
Go to the profile of Raquel Zaghi
Raquel Zaghi
UX Designer based in Brazil.
Go to the profile of Beatriz Fazolo
Beatriz Fazolo
UX/UI Designer
Go to the profile of Camila Martins
Camila Martins
Content Designer no Enjoei. Comunicadora. Especialista em Neurociência e Psicologia Aplicada. Feminista. Mãe. E mais uma cacetada de coisas.
Go to the profile of Marina Neta
Marina Neta
Product Designer @ Metalshub SaaS Product Designer https://www.linkedin.com/in/marinaneta
Go to the profile of Pamela Mendes
Pamela Mendes
UX Designer, apaixonada por pessoas e problemas, tento explicar de forma simples o que tenho aprendido, para ajudar outros iniciantes!
Go to the profile of Lara Leite
Lara Leite
UX/UI Designer em construção.
Go to the profile of Ana Retore
Ana Retore
linkedin.com/in/anaretore — behance.net/anaretore
Go to the profile of Priscilla Brito
Go to the profile of Cristina Guarinho
Cristina Guarinho
Designer who loves technology, travels and coffee https://www.linkedin.com/in/thamiguarinho/
Go to the profile of Mari Moreira
Mari Moreira
Senior Technical Writer at @iFood • Community Manager at Tech Writing Brasil • Content Creator (@marimoreiratw at LinkedIn and Instagram).
Go to the profile of Isabella Galvão
Isabella Galvão
UX Design / Filosofia / Impacto Social
Go to the profile of Nataly Lima
Nataly Lima
UX Writer nordestina, feminista e otras cositas. 💜✨
Go to the profile of Roberta Firmino
Roberta Firmino
I'm determined, positive and curious. I love working with people from different backgrounds, as I believe in the value that each one can add.
Go to the profile of codesenho
compartilhando minha pesquisa e prática em design digital
Go to the profile of Julia Medeiros
Julia Medeiros
Designer e melhor amiga dos usuários. Faço uns layouts, cheiro meus cachorros e bebo mais café do que deveria. https://about.me/juliamedeiros
Go to the profile of Fernanda Paixão
Fernanda Paixão
Product Designer | UX/UI
Go to the profile of Bianca Elias
Bianca Elias
Sou designer de produto digital que faz soluções que colocam a pessoa no centro da tomada de decisão. https://www.linkedin.com/in/biancaselias/
Go to the profile of Letícia Pires
Letícia Pires
I help teams create engaging product experiences and new services. Design Director @QuintoAndar.
Go to the profile of Fernanda Castro
Fernanda Castro
UX/UI Designer
Go to the profile of Juliana Proserpio
Juliana Proserpio
Designer, entrepreneur &innovator. I’d rather be constantly changing than being that same old person. Founder Echos — Innovation Lab
Go to the profile of Mauany Alencar
Mauany Alencar
Interested in Design, personal development, creativity and overcoming perfectionism.
Go to the profile of Lídia Brancher
Lídia Brancher
I’m a Human-Centered Designer based in Porto Alegre | RS | Brasil. I´m a creative person, love to work as a team and and encourage the sharing of knowledge.
Go to the profile of Gabriela Padua
Gabriela Padua
Sou apaixonada por escrita, atualmente UX Writer Jr. na Dock Tech :) Por aqui você vai encontrar artigos sobre UX, CX e algumas metodologias. Vamo que vamo!
Go to the profile of Carolina Tod
Carolina Tod
Co-Founder @ Produtos para Humanos
Go to the profile of Daniele Gama
Daniele Gama
Product Designer na OLX Brasil. Gosta de bons cafés e abraçar cachorros, não nessa ordem.
Go to the profile of Renata Ramos
Renata Ramos
Escritora desde a primeira infância. UX Writer em construção.
Go to the profile of Rafaela Grochewski
Go to the profile of Camila Mestrinare
Camila Mestrinare
Do produto físico ao digital consigo compreender as necessidade e toda a complexidade que envolve criação e inovação de uma forma que atenda o mercado.
Go to the profile of Julia Nascimento
Julia Nascimento
UX Designer at Booking.com — Figma Advocate - VagasUX
Go to the profile of Mona
Service Design | Customer Experience | Chapter Leader Ladies That UX Uberlândia Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Go to the profile of Mylene Nunes
Mylene Nunes
UX e UI Designer
Go to the profile of Priscila Brenner
Priscila Brenner
UX/UI Designer. Apaixonada por livros, viagens e gatos.
Go to the profile of Amanda Nunes / Ada :)
Amanda Nunes / Ada :)
Designer | User Experience | Strategist |Writer :) behance.net/adabrandxp
Go to the profile of Fernanda Meireles
Fernanda Meireles
UX Designer tentando mudar o mundo ou pelo menos por onde eu passo.
Go to the profile of Hanna Amback
Hanna Amback
uma designer curiosa que se interessa pela complexidade da vida.
Go to the profile of Isabel Braga
Isabel Braga
UX Researcher at Globo
Go to the profile of Lilian Ferrer
Go to the profile of Anna Stephanie
Anna Stephanie
Product Designer at @Smiles
Go to the profile of Mayara Pillegi
Mayara Pillegi
UX Lead, apaixonada pelo potencial das palavras e eterna estudante de comunicação e empatia.
Go to the profile of Thaís Haro
Thaís Haro
ux writer
Go to the profile of josiana farah
Go to the profile of Carla Link / Talking City
Carla Link / Talking City
service designer and social innovator, passionate about civic innovation. www.talkingcity.co
Go to the profile of Jeniffer Lacerda
Jeniffer Lacerda
Product Design
Go to the profile of Tatiane Francisco
Tatiane Francisco
💼 Designer de produtos | 🤓🧠 Estudante e curiosa sobre neurociências, psicologia e a relação dessas áreas com design | https://tatty.me/linkedin
Go to the profile of Natasha Morello
Natasha Morello
UX Designer apaixonada por doguinhos e café
Go to the profile of Laís Galvão
Laís Galvão
UI/UX designer | Curitiba
Go to the profile of Carolina Koury
Carolina Koury
Apaixonada por construir experiências incríveis. https://linktr.ee/carolkoury
Go to the profile of Debora Carvalho
Debora Carvalho
UX Researcher, teacher, music lover and knowledge junkie.
Go to the profile of Carol Fanhoni
Carol Fanhoni
Ux writer, content creator and a growing woman
Go to the profile of vaniateofilo
CX UX | Strategy, Insights, Research, Service Design & Innovation
Go to the profile of Sylvia Madeira
Sylvia Madeira
UX Researcher | Apaixonada por Design, curiosa e eterna aprendiz.
Go to the profile of Kathleen Repasche
Go to the profile of Raquel Carvalho
Raquel Carvalho
UX Designer entusiasta e apreciadora de gambiarras criativas.
Go to the profile of LTUX Florianópolis
LTUX Florianópolis
Ladies That UX Floripa é o 3º capítulo brasileiro da organização global que busca reunir mulheres que trabalham na área de UX. www.linktr.ee/ltuxfloripa
Go to the profile of Dani Ferreira Brasil
Go to the profile of Janaína Moreira
Janaína Moreira
📚 Devoradora incansável de livros, arqueira.🏹Pizza e café é a minha religião!🍕 ☕ Accessibility DesignOps e Accessibility Program Manager❤
Go to the profile of Barbára Têjada
Barbára Têjada
Product Designer
Go to the profile of Amanda Carneiro
Amanda Carneiro
Engenheira de software, apaixonada por tecnologia. Amo arte, amo conhecer lugares novos e viver viajando é o que me motiva todos os dias.
Go to the profile of Patrícia Rodrigues
Patrícia Rodrigues
Escrevo experiências e histórias.
Go to the profile of Marina Aldana Dutra
Go to the profile of Rafaella Raboni
Rafaella Raboni
UX Reseacher @Grupo SBF - Centauro. Apaixonada por pesquisa, criar boas experiências e fazer os times serem lugares massa para se trabalhar. ☕ 🐱 🌱 📚
Go to the profile of Jessica Prestes
Jessica Prestes
Ex-graphic designer for 8 years. Now a product designer trying to become a wonderful professional :)
Go to the profile of Kethleen Holthausen Bruno
Go to the profile of Lara Freitas
Lara Freitas
Ux Designer | Arquiteta
Go to the profile of Margarida Gold
Go to the profile of Daniella Campos
Daniella Campos
Tech Recruiter | Business Partner | Talent Acquisition | Systems & Outsourcing
Go to the profile of Nailana Lopes 👩🏾‍💻💜
Go to the profile of Gabriela Bechara Zillig
Gabriela Bechara Zillig
UX/UI Designer, com foco em Design System, bacharel em design de produto pela FEBASP. Chapter Leader do Ladies That UX São Paulo.
Go to the profile of Anna Letícia Letro
Anna Letícia Letro
UX 101 — reflexões, delírios criativos e ciência sem pretensão.
Go to the profile of Isabel Vieira
Isabel Vieira
A Sr Product Designer that tries hard not to lose focus and speaks too fast. My favourite Hex is #FAFAFA because of that song from Talking Heads.
Go to the profile of Ana Flávia
Ana Flávia
Uma antropóloga apaixonada por natureza, ciência e humanidades.
Go to the profile of Karen Moraes
Karen Moraes
UX Writer | Designer de Conteúdo | Escritora
Go to the profile of Lia Rodrigues
Lia Rodrigues
Product Designer | Freelance Translator | Chatbot and Voice enthusiast | Talk nerdy to me
Go to the profile of Go Banana, UX!
Go Banana, UX!
Zaíra Bosco. Sociologist, UX researcher/writer.
Go to the profile of LTUX
Go to the profile of Stephany Quintela
Go to the profile of Rachel Guzman Valencio
Rachel Guzman Valencio
UX Designer | Apaixonada pela vida. Aprecio a troca de conhecimentos e experiências. https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-guzman-valencio-12113b66/
Go to the profile of Stella Bousfield
Stella Bousfield
Jornalista, redatora, revisora, pseudo-escritora. Enfim, textos em suas mais variadas formas me interessam. Contato pelo email: stella.bousfield@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Karoline Rodrigues
Karoline Rodrigues
UX Writer no Mercado Livre. Dorameira nas horas vagas.
Go to the profile of Ana Laura Gabriel Moreira
Ana Laura Gabriel Moreira
UX Researcher Ops, gosto de compartilhar experiências, conhecimento e ferramentas para ajudar o dia a dia das pessoas pesquisadoras.
Go to the profile of Priscila Carvalho
Priscila Carvalho
Designer Instrucional, UX, Pedagoga e Bióloga. Curiosa por natureza, ciência e o ser humano.
Go to the profile of Thaís Polonio
Thaís Polonio
Brazilian Designer based in Vancouver
Go to the profile of Mayara Tardelli
Go to the profile of Lindsey Vieira
Lindsey Vieira
Designer apaixonada por livros, cachorros e aprender!
Go to the profile of Mariana Ozaki
Mariana Ozaki
Service & Interaction designer | Ladies that UX EMEA Director
Go to the profile of Natasha Tamashiro
Natasha Tamashiro
UX UI Designer | Chapter Leader Ladies That UX Porto
Go to the profile of Marlena Barros de Araújo
Marlena Barros de Araújo
Ama ler e escrever. Reservada, mas gosta de socializar às vezes. Tutora do John, Lennon e Meg ( 2 gatinhos e 1 cachorra respectivamente). Viajar é comigo mesmo!
Go to the profile of Crislane Costa
Crislane Costa
Farmacêutica, apaixonada por química, curiosa e entusiasta do comportamento humano.
Go to the profile of Carol Alvim
Go to the profile of Ana Caroline Sousa Alvim
Go to the profile of Joyce Romone
Joyce Romone
Designer de produto com experiência em empresas de tecnologia no setor educacional e financeiro.
Go to the profile of Bianca Zephyr
Bianca Zephyr
I solve problems through design.
Go to the profile of Isabela Barcia
Go to the profile of Deborafonsecaa
UX/UI Design — Uberlândia, Brasil
Go to the profile of Rute Maxsuelly
Go to the profile of Lissa Dias Oliveira
Go to the profile of Bruna Serpi
Bruna Serpi
I'm a Product Designer with 5 years of knowledge of User Experience. My Portfólio: https://brunaserpi.framer.website/