LikeCoin August 2018 Highlights

Foundation has organized two major campaigns in August, letting creators on Medium and WordPress-based websites experience with generating passive income in LikeCoin (LIKE) with their contents.


Related links: June report | July report | Buy/Sell LIKE | 中文版

1. Business Development

“Reinventing the Like” Campaigns

Following the very first “Reinventing the Like” campaign in July, the Foundation has organized Mining beta 1 and beta 2 campaigns in August.

Beta 1 campaign updated the previous Medium LikeWidget to LikeButton and extended the support to mobile phones. The number of LIKE received by each creators is no more equal but is related to the number of Likes received, as a first step in realizing “Proof of Creativity”. Totally 168 creators have taken part in the 12-day campaign, out of which 40% are new participants. 2,488 readers liked for 41,677 times in total, generating 122,440 LIKE (USD 612 in market value). More information can be found in the campaign beta 1 round up.

Beta 2 campaign was launched in conjunction with the launch of LikeCoin WordPress plugin, which significantly broadened the supported websites. Now LikeButton does not only support Medium, but all websites with WordPress as back-end. With the increase in participating creators and websites, the LIKE given out was also increased three-fold to 362,400 LIKE. 51 websites have installed LikeButton during the campaign, with 216 creators written 1,655 articles liked for 51,333 times. Further details can be found in campaign beta 2 wrap up.

Boarding CoinMarketCap

Following CoinGecko and other cryptocurrency listing sites, LIKE has landed on the biggest cryptocurrency information site CoinMarketCap, to reach the worldwide blockchain market.


After months of development, QUOINEX and QRYPTOS, on where LIKE is listed, have combined to become Liquid. Other than the original functionalities of QRYPTOS, Liquid also support 10 fiat currencies such as USD and HKD, allowing readers and creators to trade LIKE with fiat currencies much more conveniently.

Existing QRYPTOS/QUOINEX users can sign in with the same credentials and enjoy the new features in no time. For new comers, account registration and KYC (know of customer) is also much more efficient now.

LIKE on Liquid

2. Research and Development

LikeCoin WordPress plugin 1.1.3

WordPress is the most popular website framework, quietly supporting over 30% of Internet website. It is also open source like LikeCoin, making it the number one choice in reaching out to creators.

LikeCoin WordPress plugin was launched in August and updated to 1.1.3, helps creators add LikeButton to their works automatically. Readers don’t have to change any of their habit. They just do reading as usual and click Like when they appreciate, creators will then be rewarded with LIKE by the system.

WordPress plugin was launched in conjunction with beta 2 campaign, and was installed on 51 websites in 2 weeks. The websites are all different and unique, bringing back variety to Internet content consumption.

As stated in our whitepaper, Proof of Creativity, the core of LikeCoin, is realized by LikeButton and LikeRank. The fact that LikeButton is supporting WordPress, the largest website ecosystem, means first half of the plan has been realized. As for LikeRank, it would be gradually realized following the development of LikeChain. We shall discuss the progress of LikeChain development next month.

Medium LikeWidget — upgrade to 3.0

LikeWidget for Medium was upgraded in August again, this time to 3.0.

LikeWidget 3.0 and LikeButton go their own ways. LikeWidget diverts readers to social media accounts of the creators, and can be used behind Medium pay wall, while LikeButton collects Likes and tippings.

3. Community and others

Events and interviews

credit: HK01


The team has written various articles to share our views on blockchain, technology and content creation in LikeCoin Medium publication and other channels.

Don’t be missed out. Stay informed on LikeCoin.

Related links: June report | July report | Buy/Sell LIKE | 中文版



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LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Earthling. Founder of @likecoin & DHK dao. Writer at . Published “The Sociology of Blockchain, reimagining money, media and democracy.”.