Write for LinkIT

Things You Need to Know When Writing for LinkIT

3 min readMay 13, 2020


Artwork by: INTECS Media Team

LinkIT is a publication made exclusively by the INTECS of the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka focusing the faculty’s undergraduates to showcase their talents and writing skills.

If you do not already know what a publication is, please read this article to get a sound knowledge of what a Medium publication is and the benefits you get by publishing your articles on a publication.

The articles you have already written and published on Medium can be published under this publication. You can also import any articles and blog posts that you have written elsewhere by following the steps in this article: Importing a Blog Post to Medium — In Simple Steps.

LinkIT is a publication that promotes article writing among the Faculty of IT students, with the aim of opening a path for technical-writing. Therefore, the articles published here are categorized under 4 categories.

  1. General Programming
  2. Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
  3. Student Achievements
  4. Other

Therefore, when you send in your articles, please make sure that your articles fit into these categories.

Any article that does not fall under the categories 1,2 or 3 and is accepted by the LinkIT and INTECS Teams will be published under the Other column.

Writing Articles

When you write articles, you have to also make sure they fit into the Medium Rules.

Please give credits when you add photos to your articles and always try to use photos that do not have copyright issues. Ok, now do not take this lightly when we say this, because you can be even sued, amounting hundereds and thousands of dollars as compensation for using images with copyright issues!

The correct way to use photos and artwork in your articles can be found here, and if you want help in adding and managing photos to your articles, you can visit Help on Images by Medium Help Center.

When you write articles, we strongly recommend you to use a language tool like Grammarly so that you won't end up having language mistakes in your articles. You can learn how to add Grammarly to your browser from here.

Steps to Get your Articles on LinkIT

In order to get yourself on board as a writer to our publication, please fill in the following form, where you will be asked for details to prove your identity as a Faculty of IT undergraduate.

Now no need to be worried, filling this form is only a one time process!

After our editors approve you as a writer for LinkIT, you will be informed by one of our editors through Medium. Then you can submit your articles to LinkIT by just clicking on Add to Publication from your story settings. After that, our editors will review your article. If they approve your article, they will publish it on LinkIT. You will be informed by Medium when your article is published.

Please note that the Editorial Team of LinkIT and the INTECS committee has the right to accept or reject your article from being published in the LinkIT Medium publication. To reduce the possibility of your article being rejected, please make sure that your article fits into the publication goals.

Read about our Review Process from here.

The articles that get published here at the LinkIT Medium publication will also be promoted using the INTECS Facebook page.

If you send in your articles as drafts (before publishing) to LinkIT, after the review process done by our editors, your article can be published with less mistakes!

Any IT faculty undergraduate at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka can publish their articles on LinkIT. So, if you are a fellow IT faculty undergraduate, wait no more and send us your great work, and we’ll make sure it gets exposed to a huge audience!



Editor for

The Information Technology Society of the Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka