#LinkyBrains Mafia Log — Week 4

Dizzy Doer
3 min readApr 15, 2018


Hi Linkys, it’s Dizzie Do with the weekly log of all the latest happenings in the #LinkyBrains movement. There’s a bit of a travel theme this week as more Linkys are connecting across the globe and the Underbosses are planning to meet them by hook, crook, bike, train or aeroplane.


  • There are talks of a LinkyBrains Walk on LinkedIn. Dogs welcome, coffee and sparks provided. No date (yet) but probably in Hyde Park.
  • After 2 weeks backpacking around China, Chris is co-hosting a LinkyBrains Coffee with Tom Noble in Cheltenham. Thursday 19th, 7pm @ Malmaison.
  • Interrailing for Linkys! Mike and Alan Hemmings are going on a LinkyBrains tech tour of Europe by train — dates tbc.
  • What would Linkys think of a LinkyBrains bike ride?

Check out the LinkedIn Group and Facebook Group to get involved.

Learnings from ‘non HQ’

Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

After some disruption with a Cambridge Meet-up, Doug asks why people love being controlled and how the LinkyBrains movement might resist this programming.

Content Highlights

Rae Snape on how #LinkyBrains resonates with her ethos, #OnlyConnect, and what the most important question is: Are there any other #LinkyBrains here?

Fred Destins confession & how LinkyBrains is like fight club, except the first rule is you should talk about it.

Robert Hamilton Smith on why he is focusing on innovating in life, not just business.

Andy Burden’s coping mechanisms for the linkybrain

Do you have a constant soundtrack playing in the back of your mind? JAWZapps thinks this might be a LinkyBrains thing. They have also written on imposter syndrome.

Yo Percale usually takes the advice of Groucho Marx, “I refused to join any club that would have me as a member!”. But in his confession, LinkyBrains might be an exception.

Karl Soanes asks where do kids fit in to the LinkyBrains movement?

Justin Cale on The Value of Strategic Decision Making in a Linkybrain’s World.

The confessions on the LinkyBrains Medium page are showing many similar themes. These are: ‘feeling like an outsider’, a ‘guilt at being able to solve problems so quickly’ and a feeling that ‘existing institutions and problem solving structures don’t work’. Keep em coming.

Quote of the Week

This weeks quote is from Zain Kahn’s article: There’s a ‘Linkybrain’ in all of us. What I learned after meeting the first wave of Linkys.

“I go to a lot of meetups, and this theme is not uncommon, but most of the time they are filled with attendees who just talk about themselves and their ideas. Linkybrains, however, were just as eager to lend their creative powers to others as they were to solicit it. It felt more like a brainstorming session with friends instead of a formal gathering with strangers.”

If this quote has inspired you to come to an event, check them out here. If there isn’t one near you, start one. You don’t need permission.

Stats and Growth

Linky ‘Hires’(Those changing their job title on Linkedin): 204

Published Articles: 30+

Events: 17 organised, 21 hosted. Check them out here.

New Event Locations: 3 (Hong Kong, LA, Prague)

Registered Volunteers: 71 (+1)

Sign ups to newsletter: 341 (+70)

Traffic to the site: 200–400 per day with 75% new traffic

Facebook Linkys: 453(+34)

That’s it for this week. As always, get writing. I love to read your confessions and especially love it when they get sent straight to my inbox. Next week, I’m going to be talking about how #LinkyBrains is changing lots of lives in small (but amazing) ways. So, if you have felt an impact, no matter how small, please let me know!

More next week — Dizzy Do.

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Originally published at Linkybrains.

