The Shovan Chronicles — Part 6


Moshe Forman
Lit Up


Copyright: Moshe Forman

Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Wendy tried to pull away. “Leave us be,” she shouted.

“What is the meaning of this?” Efelpeck was glaring at Kirnow.

He scowled back. “You would have let them get away, you fool.”

“They mean no harm, leave them be.”

Kirnow thought for a moment. He forced his face into a smile and turned to Quench and Wendy. “I apologize most effusively. We were worried for your welfare and came looking for you. We thought the King’s agents may have taken you away in the night. My colleagues here misunderstood my orders.”

He waved his arm, shooing the creatures away. They let go of their captives and stepped back.

“We can’t stay here,” said Wendy. “We need to look for my father. He was captured.” She fought back the tears. “He is in danger, if we don’t rescue him he may die.”

“And we will most surely help you in your search,” replied Kirnow. “But first you will translate the ancient texts.”

“Well, alright, but it had better not take long.” Wendy exchanged a furtive glance with Quench.

He touched her hand and whispered, “We’ll acquiesce…for now.”



Moshe Forman
Lit Up

When I’m not a poet or novelist, I'm exploring Self, Food, Society and History. And when I'm not doing that, I'm a technical writer.