All Stories published by Live Life Unwritten on February 17, 2016

How My Parents’ Divorce Made Me Better At Love

Divorce isn’t a rare thing. In fact, statistics show that in your group of friends, you’re bound to have a least one “child of divorce.” I am one of those children, but my situation is slightly unique. My parents were planning their divorce before…

Your Last Semester Of College As Told By Parks And Rec

I remember saying goodbye to my friends in high school like it was yesterday. We acted like we were all moving to opposite sides of the world and we’d never see each other again, but we soon learned that wasn’t true. But graduating

10 Drunken Mistakes You Are Guilty Of Making

Every girl likes to think they’re fierce like Queen B after a night out. Truth be told, you’re probably a hot mess after drinking, dancing, and drunk eating. I know I’m guilty of walking to my cab thinking I’m hot shit when I probably look like a crazy…

Live Life Unwritten
Unwritten is a website for millennials written and run by millennials. It is because of this that we are an extremely relatable publication for our generation.
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