All Stories published by Live Life Unwritten on February 25, 2016

The Harsh Reality Of Losing Guy Friends Once You Get A Boyfriend

I would say that I have more guy friends than girl friends. As cliché as it is of a girl to say that, it’s true. I love my girl friends, but we often clash as we have similar complaints and needs. So, I think it’s…

3 Reasons You Only Like Him When You’re Drunk

Drunken nights have become a staple in almost every college student’s life. Unsurprisingly, I have found myself in some sticky situations while I have been belligerently inebriated. If you’re anything like me, your personality probably becomes a lot…

Live Life Unwritten
Unwritten is a website for millennials written and run by millennials. It is because of this that we are an extremely relatable publication for our generation.
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