China’s Biggest Mobile Game Platform Announces Plans to Integrate with Loom DAppChains

Matthew Campbell
Loom Network
Published in
4 min readMay 22, 2018
With the upcoming Cocos SDK — game developers can easily integrate with Loom DAppChains for easy development of scalable Blockchain Games.

Update (June 6th 2018): The Cocos SDK for Loom DAppChains is now available for use! 😮

If you are not familiar…

Cocos is one of the BIGGEST and most WIDELY USED game engines in the world — especially in Asia.

For instance, excluding Chinese users, their SDKBOX has 106 million active users per month with a total of 680 million users captured.

Not only that…

Since Cocos is an open-source framework that allows anyone to build cross-platform games easily — independent game developers LOVE it.

…and guess what?

Today, I am excited to announce that Loom Network (in partnership with Cocos’s internal developers) will be releasing DAppChain support for the Cocos game platform.

If you’ve been busy with real life lately, several cool things have happened while you were away.


  1. Neon District, which is a hybrid card-based RPG and MMO game set in a futuristic, tech-noir world joined Loom’s SDK.
  2. We also announced support for client-side access in Unity (which is the most popular game developer platform in the world) — which will allow any Unity game developer to build Blockchain games without knowing Blockchain programming.
  3. …and we are also doing a Hackathon Tour in Asia to give some of the most talented game developers early access to the upcoming release of Loom’s SDK.

Not bad for a month’s work huh? 😉

So, back to Cocos SDK…

Pretty soon…

Cocos Game Developers Will Be Able to Easily Integrate with Loom DAppChains — and Deploy Scalable Blockchain Games

As I mentioned earlier…

JUST THEIR OVERSEAS USERBASE has 106 million active users per month with a total of 680 million users captured.

…and with the Cocos SDK, game developers will be able to SEAMLESSLY integrate with Loom DAppChains and deploy scalable, secure Blockchain Games.

With the Cocos SDK — the Cocos Client will be able to handle all tasks related to:

  1. DAppChain Wallets
  2. Transaction Signing
  3. Authentication

Plus, it will provide example implementations — so you can use those as a reference when building your first app.

By the end of June 2018 —we will be releasing similar reference implementations that will cover commonly used game functionality such as: item transfers, in-game currencies, saving states, saving characters, etc. as well.

Why? — Simple:

So that any developer with an existing game (or a game in development) can evaluate integrating Blockchain backends as part of their game mechanics or economy.

All About Cocos in 30 seconds…

Cocos2d is a cross platform and open source 2D game engine for mobile game development known for its speed, stability, and ease of use.

The Cocos’s family includes their (most well-known) Cocos2d, Cocos Creator, Cocos3d, and a long list of other widely used products.

Comparable to Unity, Cocos has a vibrant ecosystem full of developers, asset store, and tight integrations with iOS, Android, and…

…even WeChat and Facebook Messenger games.

This is a short list of Chinese Companies that support Cocos

While Cocos is quite popular in Asia, it is MOST well-known in China — and considering the large number of support from the biggest Chinese social platforms, it’s not that surprising.

Last but not least…

Loom SDK is almost ready (+Hackathon coming to a city near you! 🌏)

We are super excited that our SDK is almost ready for public release.

Why? Because it will be the easiest way for developers to easily build scalable Blockchain DApps (including games) without having to do a lot of heavy lifting.

Along with the SDK launch in June, we will be announcing a number of Hackathons to give an exclusive introduction to it’s capabilities for both Game and Blockchain Developers. (In Tokyo on May 26th then Beijing & Shanghai later in June)

…So, if you are a developer that enjoys drinking obscene amounts of caffeine while being knee deep in code, we want to meet you 😎

When you discover you can make Blockchain Games without being a l33t programmer

Since our SDK is the easiest way for any developer to build and deploy a scalable DApp, it would be a crime for them to not know about Loom’s SDK.

One more thing…

We are also compiling a list of all the other (incredible) services we are offering Loom Developers (like an indexing layer we built etc.) along with a few more surprises.

So, buckle up and keep your ears open to the crypto streets 😎

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Matthew Campbell
Loom Network

Cofounder build scalable blockchain games and social apps on the Loom SDK.