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Ludus Interview #8: Sandro Costa

Every once in a while, we interview individuals or companies which, like many others, fell in love with Ludus and its limitless possibilities to design better presentations. This time, we met with Sandro Costa, a multimedia designer working at the Polytechnic Institute of

Ludus Interview #7: Hud Duque

Every once in a while, we interview individuals or companies which, like many others, fell in love with Ludus and its limitless possibilities to design better presentations. Some time ago, we met with Hud Duque, a presentation designer living in Brazil. Today, he’s sharing

Ludus Interview #3: Henry Daubrez from Dogstudio

Every once in a while, we interview individuals or companies which, like many others, fell in love with Ludus and its limitless possibilities to design better presentations. This time, we received the insights from Henry Daubrez, Partner and