Top Stories published by Luscious Lushes in 2008

Nectar of the Gods and other tales from the Navy

A couple of Saturdays ago, I decided to head on over to St. George Spirits, home of Hangar 1 vodka and other delights, for their annual Holiday Open House. For those of you who don’t know, St. George Spirits is housed in the old Alameda Naval…

Yargh, there is Treasure on that thar Island!

As I mentioned in an earlier post on this blog, there is a boom in urban wine making. This past weekend, I found some new gems in my never ending search for tasty delights within the city limits.

Wine Bloggers Conferenece Day 1 Recap!

Yesterday was the first day of the first ever American Wine Blogger’s Conference, held in Santa Rosa at the historic Flamingo Hotel. You can catch up on the action by using Twitter Search and the hashtag #wbc.

And speaking of Roses…

As I sit here and have my morning dose of Twitter, the illustrious Agent Red of The Wine Spies pointed out that their deal today is a delectable little number by Chandon. Since I do love my Blanc de Noirs, and pretty much anything with bubbles, I will have to give this one a try.

These were the top 10 stories published by Luscious Lushes in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Luscious Lushes
Adventures in wine, whiskey, food and travel, often original, sometimes republished from
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