Sri Krishna Stuti

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Mantra Stuti Stotra Chalisa
5 min readNov 23, 2014


Sri Bhagwatpuran — By Kunti

Shiv Mantra * Shiv Tandav Stotra * Shiv Chalisa * Ganesh Chalisa * Sri Krishna Stuti * Hanuman Chalisa * Other Works

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श्रीकृष्ण स्तुति
श्रीमद्भागवतपुराण कुंती कृत


नमस्ये पुरुषं त्वद्यमीश्वरं प्रकृते: परम्।
अलक्ष्यं सर्वभूतानामन्तर्बहिरवास्थितम्॥१॥

Kunti said:

My obeisance to You, the Purusha be,
The Original Cosmos Controller truly,
Invisible and beyond all existing be,
Within and without — most certainly.
- 194 —
न लक्ष्यसे मूढदृशा नटो नाटयधरो यथा॥२॥
Covered by the deluding curtain truly,
And being transcendent irreproachably,
Not discerned by the foolish obviously,
You an actor dressed as a player surely.
- 195 —
तथा परमहंसानां मुनीनाममलात्मनाम्।
भक्तियोगविधानार्थं कथं पश्येम हि स्त्रिय:॥३॥
You appear for wise — discerning spirit truly,
And of the matter executing devotionally,
But how must we — the women sincerely,
Then exercise respect for You heart fully?
- 196 —
कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय देवकीनन्दनाय च।
नन्दगोपकुमाराय गोविन्दाय नमो नम:॥४॥
I offer my obeisance to You respectfully,
Protector of cows and senses lovingly,
Lord! Vasudev and Devaki’s son you be,
Of Nand and cowherd men in reality.
- 197 —
नम: पङ्कजनाभाय नम: पङ्कजमालिने।
नम: पङ्कजनेत्राय नमस्ते पङ्कजाङ्घ्रये॥५॥
My respects for You with all my sincerity,
With lotus-like depression your abdomen be,
Your glance but cool as a lotus plant does be,
Your footprint mark a lotus flower clearly.
- 198 —
यथा हृषीकेश खलेन देवकी कंसेने रुद्धातिचिरं शुचार्पिता।
विमोचिताहं च सहात्मजा विभो त्वयैव नाथेन मुहुर्विपद्गणात्॥६॥
You the Master of all the senses but be,
Freed Devaki from Kansa’s Jail undeniably,
You the Protector who is defending me,
And my children against threat constantly.
- 199 —
विषान्महाग्ने: पुरुषाददर्शनादसत्सभाया वनवासकृच्छ्रत:।
मृधे मृधे sनेकमहारथास्त्रतो द्रौण्यस्त्रतश्चास्म हरे sभिसक्षिता:॥७॥
You saved us from poison and fire definitely,
Man-eaters, sufferings, and in battles surely,
You protect us against the weapons fully,
Of son of Acharya Drona incontrovertibly.
- 200 —
विपद: सन्तु ता: शश्वत्तत्र तत्र जगद्गुरो।
भवतो दर्शनं यत्स्यादपुनर्भवदर्शनम्॥८॥
Master of Universe I pray for calamities,
So I do remember You ever constantly,
Remembering You means freedom be,
From cycle of births and death finally.
- 201 —
जन्मैश्वर्यश्रितश्रीभिरेधमानमद: पुमान्।
नैवार्हत्यभिधातुं वै त्वामकिञ्चनगोचरम्॥९॥
All but intoxicated by striving constantly,
For good birth, opulence, education, beauty,
Never merit to address You with honesty,
But You approached by the needy easily.
- 202 —
नमो sकिञ्चनवित्ताय निवृत्तगुणवृत्तये।
आत्मारामाय शान्ताय कैवल्यपतये नम:॥१०॥
Honor to You, self-contented and gentle be,
All wealth of the persons living in poverty,
All my reverence for You — who You be,
Master of beatitude ever so unfailingly.
- 203 —
मन्ये त्वां कालमीशानमनादिनिधनं विभुम्।
समं चरन्तं सर्वत्र भूतानां यन्मिथ: कलि:॥११॥
You personification of Eternal Time be,
Without beginning or an end indubitably,
All-pervasive, giving to beings mercy,
Living in dissent everywhere equally.
- 204 —
न वदे कश्चद्भगवंश्चिकीर्षितं
तवेहमानस्य नृणां विडम्बनम्।
न यस्य कश्चिद्दयितो sस्ति कहिर्चिद्
द्वष्यश्च यस्मिन्विषमा मतिर्नृणाम्॥१२॥
None understands Your pastimes truly,
That appear as conflictions unendingly,
Considering You partial all think generally,
But You never favor or dislike specifically.
- 205 —
जन्म कर्म च विश्वात्मन्नकस्याकर्तुरात्मन:।
तिर्यङ्नृषिषु याद: स तदत्यन्तविडम्बनम्॥१३॥
You the cosmos soul with all the energy,
Born yet unborn, acting yet inactive surely,
Manifesting in animals, humans certainly,
Wise and aquatics, You baffling veritably.
- 206 —
गोप्याददे त्वयि कृतागसि दाम तावद्या
ते दशाश्रुकलिलाञ्जनासम्भ्रमाक्षम्।
वक्रं निनीय भयभावनया स्थितस्य सा
मां विमोहयति भीरपि यद्बभेति॥१४॥
It is baffling to see when You were naughty,
And mother Yasoda bound You so lovingly,
You seemed afraid and cried so loudly,
Yet You are feared by Fear in reality.
- 207 —
केचिदाहुरजं जातं पुण्यश्लोकस्य कीर्तये।
यदो: प्रियस्यान्ववाये मलयस्येव चन्दनम्॥१५॥
Some say as sandalwood in Malaya Hills be,
You were but born from the unborn really,
For the very glory of pious kings definitely,
Or for King Yadu — pleasure of his family.
- 208 —
अपरे वसुदेवस्य देवक्यां याचितो sभ्यगात्।
अजस्त्वमस्य क्षेमाय वधाय च सुरद्विषाम्॥१८॥
Others say You descended from unborn truly,
For the good of Vasudeva and Devaki Devi,
Who prayed for You and with all honesty,
For downfall of the envious with the godly.
- 209 —
भारावतारणायान्ये भुवो नाव इवोदधौ।
सीदन्त्या भूरिभारेण जातो ह्यात्मभुवार्थित:॥१९॥
Others say as a boat on the sea plainly,
You rid the burden of acute grief worldly,
You born by prayers and blessings surely,
Of the grand Lord Brahma ever so saintly.
- 210 —
भवे sस्मिन्क्लिश्यमानानामविद्याकामकर्मभि:।
श्रवणस्मणार्हाणि करिष्यन्नति केचने॥२०॥
Others say You came for suffering truly,
From the desires in the world materially,
So they may perform in hearing constantly,
Remembering and worshiping You totally.
- 211 —
शृण्वन्ति गायन्ति गृणन्त्यभीक्ष्णश: स्मरन्ति नन्दन्ति तवेहितं जना:।
त एव पश्यन्त्यचिरेण तावकं भवप्रवाहोपरमं पदाम्बुजम्॥२१॥
Who takes joy in hearing, chanting truly,
Remembering Your activities constantly,
Soon sees Your lotus feet unquestionably,
Puts to end the cycle of rebirths certainly.
- 212 —
अप्यद्य नस्त्वं स्वकृतेहित प्रभो जिहाससि स्वित्सुहृदो sनुजीविन:।
येषां न चान्यद्भवत: पदाम्बुजात्परायणं राजसु योजितांहसाम्॥२२॥
With all You did and are leave us fully,
Go to kings who be engaged with enmity,
Alone, trusting Your lotus feet, we be,
We your friends, live on Your mercy.
- 213 —
के वयं नामरूपाभ्यां यदुभि: सह पाण्डवा:।
भवतो sदर्शनं यर्हि हृषीकाणामिवेशितु:॥२३॥
Without You, we with Yadus, Pandavas be,
Without any name or any kind of glory,
As body without senses after spirit left be,
We will just be floating in but eternity.
- 214 —
नेयं शोभिष्यते तत्र यथेदानीं गदाधर।
त्वत्पदैरङ्किता भाति स्वलक्षणविलक्षितै:॥२४॥
Land of our kingdom will no longer be
Appearing beautiful as it does currently,
Dazzled by marks of Your footprints be,
Ever revered and showered continuously.
- 215 —
इमे जनपदा: स्वृद्धा: सुपक्वौषधिवीरुध:।
वनाद्रिनद्युदन्वन्तो ह्येधन्ते तव वीक्षितै:॥२५॥
All cities and towns flourished gloriously,
More because of Your glances certainly,
With wealth of herbs, vegetables, truly,
The forests, hills, rivers and seas wholly.
- 216 —
अथ विश्वेश विश्वात्मन्विश्वमूर्ते स्वकेषु मे।
स्नेहपाशमिमं छिन्धि दृढं पाण्डुषु वृष्णषु॥२६॥
Therefore, Lord of the Universe you do be,
Personality of universal form undoubtedly,
Remove my ties of affections completely,
For my kinsmen, Pandavas and Vrishnis fully.
- 217 —
त्वयि मे sनन्यविष्या मतिर्मधुपते sसकृत्।
रतिमुद्वहतादद्धा गङ्गेवौघमुदन्वति॥२७॥
Make my attraction to You perpetually,
Pure, ever overflowing continuously,
Like Ganga ever flowing down to sea,
Always virtuous and undoubtedly holy.
- 218 —
श्रीकृष्ण कृष्णसख वृष्ण्यृषभावनिध्रुग्राजन्यवंशदहनानपवर्गवीर्य।
गोविन्द गोद्विजसुरार्तिहरावतार योगेश्वराखिलगुरो भगवन्नमस्ते॥२८॥
To, Arjun’s friend, Vrishnis’s chief truly
I bow to destroyer of defiant dynasties,
Twice-born, cows’ reliever, yoga Lord be,
Universal teacher, I bow to Your bravery.
- 219 —
॥ इति श्रीकुन्ति कृत श्रीकृष्ण स्तुति: सम्पूर्णम्॥
- End by Sri Kunti Sri Krishna Stuti –



Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Mantra Stuti Stotra Chalisa

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,