Top Stories published by StarDust in 2015

E infatti è lei

Riprendo da dove ho lasciato l’ultimo post su CSAR di Lucio Battisti, affrontando il tema… no no, aspetta. Non mi piace il termine affrontare, mi pare troppo sistematico e pomposo. Non fa per noi. Qui siamo davanti al caminetto, fuori (necessariamente) sta piovendo. Senti il rumore della pioggia…

Are you (still) reading on paper?

I was just a little surprised when I red the title of this article on Washington Post. Why digital native prefer reading in print… Well, I am not a “digital native” in any way (my age will prevent me to think that), so you may understand that I’m rather used to printed…

These were the top 10 stories published by StarDust in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.