Quick answer: bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries && bundle…
bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries && bundle
I haven’t bootstrapped a blog or static site for quite some time.
markentier.tech is a Progressive Web App now, too. What does it mean and why are…
Start with whatever you have, but don’t stop reaching for something better. Why I love…
Filesystem performance of WSL2 is not great when you work on NTFS mounts within your Linux environment…
Have you ever wanted to create a sticky menu, but without the hassle of writing extra…
While polishing my theme, I discovered Rebecca. I love it, when technology gets some human touch. 💜
Over at my home blog I wrote about what I want and wish from Rust in the next year and beyond.
I wish I could have the features of both tools, but for now I will use gutenberg over cobalt. A tiny migration…