Binary Heap implementation in python

As a follow up to my last article here is the sample implementation of a max heap, that means you will always have a maximum value at the root node. 
With simple changes one can reverse this behavior if required.

Binary Heaps a gentle introduction

Most common use of binary heaps as a backing data structure in implementation of Priority queues, the reason they are better 
is though array backed priority queues have fast access times O(1) they have very slow insert times O(N) because each element of an array needs…

Cleaning up your Git workspace

Deleting already merged local git branches

Recently I have been working on refactoring an existing code base, which resulted 
in quite a number of pull requests each of which originated from 
own branch, which of course…

How does Node module loading actually work

Today we will talk about modules in node. 
Modules are the building block of any node application and are loaded by using require statement or import statement if you are using ES6 Javascript code.

How I setup my media streaming server in 3 simple steps

So it’s Easter and we have a long weekend this year. 
Naturally you get some extra time on your hands and what is better than setting up your own streaming server on the cloud. 
Typically my workflow consists of several steps if i am…

Thoughts of a software fundi
Thoughts of a software fundi
Discoveries, lessons learned, things I am working on and other rants
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