Meridio Spotlight: Francisco Inchauste, Designer

Meridio Media
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2018

Welcoming Francisco Inchauste to Meridio

The Meridio team has been heads down improving and testing the platform, preparing the application for a wider beta release. There has been tremendous progress over the past few months fine tuning our technology thanks to our talented product team. User experience is a key factor to bootstrap a marketplace, so we have prioritized making our application as easy to use as possible before going to market. One of the biggest hurdles right now for the adoption of blockchain applications is usability; mainstream acceptance will not happen if end users need to understand the intricacies of smart contracts and key management. This is especially true for the real estate industry, which has generally been slow to adopt new technologies and is dominated by an older generation. Meridio’s goal is to abstract many aspects of Ethereum away from the end user, such that investing and trading real estate can be as easy as creating a Robinhood account.

To help accomplish this goal, we are pleased to welcome our new Senior Product Designer Francisco Inchauste to the Meridio team. Francisco has over 15 years experience leading teams and clients, from startups to enterprises, on projects ranging from UI design to experience ecosystems. He is an author, editor, and his design work has been recognized by influential tech journals and featured by Apple. He co-created a user experience envisioning process for his previous agency, leading clients through a combination of user centered design and the lean startup method to explore new business models, products, and services.

Francisco’s expertise covers UX/UI, product design, prototyping, information architecture and strategy consulting. He has been recognized by The Verge, The Next Web, Fast Company, and by Apple’s App of the Week for creating Rise, an IOS alarm clock app. His industry experience includes work with Principal Financial, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, Adobe, Sony Music, FOX, Dreamworks, Ben & Jerry’s, Oracle, Staples, and many more.

Francisco had been a consultant for many years, helping clients to navigate the changing waters of UX. He enjoyed keeping up with the Hype Cycle and many technologies that would impact experience design — until becoming excited about the potential of blockchain and decentralization. He recognized the chance to go very deep on a specific technology, improve the user experience for a new breed of applications (Dapps), and help the design community define design patterns for this emerging space.

He felt ConsenSys was an obvious choice to join due to their leadership in blockchain. He joined the Meridio team because of the shared connection he felt with the team members he met and their mission to democratize investing. He also felt his experience with a previous startup, SpatialKey (geolocation, visualization, business intelligence platform), and other financial/Fintech products dovetailed well with Meridio’s platform & features.

In his first month Francisco has already been making significant progress on the Meridio platform’s design, branding, and interface. His responsibilities will include overseeing the brand (starting with a logo refresh and updating the splash page) and guiding the user experience of the platform, focusing on a user-centered design process to progressively improve the product. He will continue refining the platform with updated dashboards and blockchain transaction workflows as we approach our release to help us create an intuitive experience.

To learn more about Francisco check out his linkedin, medium, and twitter. Examples of his prior work can be found in these case studies, and included below is a peek into the high quality work Francisco has already provided Meridio in a short timespan. We can’t wait to onboard more properties and users onto Meridio. As we build out our team with talented candidates we’re confident in our ability to deliver an elegant, easy to use product that will bridge the gap between blockchain and real estate investing.



Meridio Media

Meridio is a blockchain based platform for investing in and trading fractional shares of real estate. Invest in a simple and accessible way.