Top Stories published by Banapana in 2005

Creative Communist: From Off-hand Remark to Virulent Meme in 3 Days

On January 5th of this year Bill Gates, in an interview with CNET made a statement that irked quite a few people. After the interviewer asked Mr. Gates if he thought intellectual property laws should be reformed…

Hot, Cold Media and MobiTV

Television on mobile phones is just starting to happen. It begs the question, what would Macluhan have thought? In [Understanding Media](references/mcluhan-1994) he discusses cool and hot media. But in McLuhan’s world of 1964, media were tied to machines. How then could a cell…

RSS, the Long Tail and iTunes

Chris Anderson of the Long Tail blog identified a trend in commerce that he calls the Long Tail some issues ago in Wired Magazine. To summarize his observation, most (offline) stores have a limitation of physical capacity that keeps them from selling everything under the sun…

Memes, an Introduction

The term meme was first coined by Richard Dawkins in his seminal book “The Selfish Gene” [amazon link] and has been explored by numerous scientists and hackers alike in an attempt to discover if memes are more than just a conceptual model for ideas.

Memes apparently aren’t hard to catch…

Memetic Compression

One of the problems with the meme construct is that many memes would seem to exist independently of other memes and…

These were the top 10 stories published by Banapana in 2005. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.