Top Stories published by Banapana in March of 2005

Hot, Cold Media and MobiTV

Television on mobile phones is just starting to happen. It begs the question, what would Macluhan have thought? In [Understanding Media](references/mcluhan-1994) he discusses cool and hot media. But in McLuhan’s world of 1964, media were tied to machines. How then could a cell…

Memetic Compression

One of the problems with the meme construct is that many memes would seem to exist independently of other memes and…

Bloggers Fighting Comment Spam

This is somewhat off-topic but then it is about blogging and this site (if you didn’t know) is a blog. So I’m joining in the fight to googlebomb the phrase online poker in order to keep those damn comment spammers off the top ranking on google. I spent hours clearing out Texas-Holdem-whatever comments from this blog. Down with spammers!

No Sooner Do I Say It Than…

I won’t pretend that the idea that neural networks operting like markets and vice verse that I threw out in my last entry) is at all original. I think I first got some glimpse of that concept in Steven Johnson’s Emergence. But no sooner do I throw it out here then I pick up an…


Well, this little meme seems to be popping its head up everywhere: Omnium Finis Imminent. So far it’s been speculated that this is some kind of alternate reality game similar to Ilovebees. I decided to participate just for fun. [04–05–2005 Update: This didn’t turn out to be much of a culturejam after all. It was just advertising for the TV show Revelations. Phooey.]

The Long Tail and Unused Manufacturing Flexibility

Frog Design recently sold itself to Flextronics. Frog is a world-renowned design firm famous for (among other things) designing the original 1984 Macintosh. Frog reported that their interest in this merger was that it would give them an…