Feature Spotlight: Earning Shards on Mission Control

MC Author 42
Mission Control
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2024

This article is part of a series of articles highlighting several different features of Mission Control in more details. This article is about the different possibilities to earn Alien Worlds Shards on Mission Control — and how.

Quick Summary: there are currently two ways of earning Shards in Mission Control. On the one side by finishing in the Top 75 of the End of Season leaderboard in Outpost Builder. On the other hand by helping Zapp with his tasks in Zapp’s Zap Emporium.

Earning Shards on Outpost Builder

Mission Control will reward the Top 75 players of each season of Outpost Builder with a combined total of 250k Alien Worlds Shards. For more details on how these are distributed, please refer to the “End of Season rewards” section of our Outpost Builder Feature Spotlight.

Earning Shards in Zapp’s Zap Emporium

Zapp’s Zap Emporium is a pawnshop run by Zapp, an ex-fulltime-arms dealer. Around Zapp’s pawnshop there is always action, even more so since Zapp accidentally hired Clank, a robot with a knack for chaos. In “Zapp’s Tasks” on Mission Control, you can help Zapp and Clank on finishing their tasks that they are trying to advance. The tasks mostly revolve around their daily pawnshop / staying alive and in business / arms delivery duties.

On Zapp’s Tasks there are always eight active tasks that Zapp and Clank are currently working on. You can assist them by spending the specified amount of either MC Points, Reward Points or TLM for a task. Once a task is finished, Zapp will reward the helping player with the specified amount of Alien Worlds Shards he found on his journeys. As soon as a task was completed by any player this way, it will be replaced by a new task. The new task again will have about a one third chance of being either an MC Points, Reward Points or TLM task.

Due to the effort of Zapp and Clank, each task will become 2% easier to fulfill every 20 minutes (rounding differences may apply). So eventually every task will become easy enough to complete. But don’t wait for too long — only the first player assisting with a task can get the reward, which replaces the task with a fresh one.

The revenues from Zapp’s Tasks will contribute towards a serious increase for future weekly reward pools of Mission Control, as well as help with further development of Mission Control on a long-term basis.

And as always — if you have any more questions, please hop into our Discord and ask — quite likely others will be interested in the answer as well.

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