Feature Spotlight: Reward Points and Weekly Rewards

MC Author 42
Mission Control
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2023

This article is part of a series of articles highlighting several different features of Mission Control in more details. The topic of this article is the weekly reward system of Mission Control:

Quick summary: The Weekly Quests offer players a set of quests to accomplish. Currently, these are limited to Mission Control internal objectives, but there’s potential to include quests from other projects centered around Alien Worlds. As players finish these quests, they accumulate Reward Points. It is also possible to earn Reward Points from Adventures. The higher the number of Reward Points a player has, the larger their share of the weekly TLM prize pool they are exchanged for.

Every week, Mission Control offers a reward pool that is split among all active players. To get a share of this reward pool, players have to acquire Reward Points for this week. Currently there are two ways to earn Reward Points: Quests and Adventures. Adventures are covered in their own Feature Spotlight article.

You also get experience within Mission Control for completing quests, adventures or playing Outpost Builder. The level system of Mission Control is covered in another Feature Spotlight article.

The Mission Control quests offer players a set of quests to accomplish each week. Currently, these are limited to Mission Control internal objectives, but there’s potential to include quests from other projects centered around Alien Worlds. For example, currently these quests might revolve around Voting, the Outpost Builder or Adventures in Mission Control.

Every week shortly after 0:00 UTC on Monday, all Reward Points are exchanged against the weekly TLM reward price pool. The distribution is based on Reward Points accumulated during that week. If, for example, the reward pool for the week is 3,000 TLM and the total amount of earned Reward Points is 30,000, then a player who has 1,000 Reward Points at the end of this week will receive 100 TLM (and Reward Points get reset to zero for the following week). Another player, who has 100 Reward Points at the end of the same week, will only receive 10 TLM for the same week.

If in the next week the total reward pool for the week is again 3,000 TLM, but the total earned Reward Points by all players is only 20,000, then the reward share for the players will also be different: a player who has 1,000 Reward Points will receive 150 TLM for the week, another player who has 100 Reward points will receive 15 TLM for that week. So the reward per Reward Point is higher if less Reward Points were earned in total.

You have two options to claim your weekly reward: either by spending 10,000 MC points for claiming. Or by giving up half of the reward to claim it without spending MC points. For more details about MC points please visit the respective Feature Spotlight article.

Also please be aware that you can only claim your weekly reward for the past four weeks.

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