Top Stories published by MITRE ATT&CK® in September of 2018

ATT&CK 101

This post was originally published May 3, 2018 on

Why ATT&CK was Created

MITRE started ATT&CK in 2013 to document common tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that advanced persistent threats use against Windows enterprise…

Using ATT&CK to Advance Cyber Threat Intelligence — Part 2

This post was originally published June 4, 2018 on

In my last blog, Using ATT&CK to Advance Cyber Threat Intelligence, we discussed the current state of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) and…

Just Released! Version 2 of the ATT&CK™ Navigator

This post was originally published May 21, 2018 on

Back in March I wrote about our initial release of the ATT&CK Navigator — an open-source tool designed to help users explore and use the ATT&CK knowledge…

The ATT&CK™ Navigator: A New Open Source Project

This post was originally published March 5, 2018 on

As my colleague John Wunder described recently, MITRE is making a series of investments in the ATT&CK framework. We’re working to make the content in ATT&CK…

Welcome to our new blog!

You may have seen our previous blog posts under MITRE’s Cyber Connections and Directions blog series. In preparation for our new website migration, we’ve started this new blog on Medium. You’ll see our previous blog posts from Cyber Connections and Directions be posted here (with the…

This is the official blog for MITRE ATT&CK®, the MITRE-developed, globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The full website is located at
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