Go to Modern Mothers
Modern Mothers
Dedicated to exploring motherhood through articles, personal essays, and a bit of fiction.
Note from the editor

Dedicated to exploring motherhood through articles, personal essays, and a bit of fiction.

Go to the profile of Victoria Corindi
Victoria Corindi
Founder of Highest Happiness and Modern Mothers. I'm a curly-haired GenX woman living in the Midwest. Technical architect by day, storyteller by night.
Go to the profile of Sam Hacker
Sam Hacker
Late-to-the-party feminist, mom, day job haver, disliker of labels, lover of book, confused.
Go to the profile of Kate Carter
Kate Carter
Former journalist and current functional medicine health coach at Here to Help Health Coaching.
Go to the profile of Heather Bessinger
Heather Bessinger
MBA/JD with 20+ years of legal and finance experience and tons of practice writing serious stuff for other people, now writing about things I enjoy instead
Go to the profile of Merre Larkin
Merre Larkin
Writer of nonfiction (memoir, essays), fiction, and poetry. Life/writing coach. Educator. Marathoner. Avid reader. Here to share, here to learn.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Designs A Life
Rebecca Designs A Life
Writer, thinker, mom; Building the life of my dreams. Writing about how to build your dream life starting right now
Go to the profile of Meshell Baylor
Meshell Baylor
Children's book author of I'm A Little Big Brother & Simon's Voice Autism advocate, Supermom, Columnist for Exceptional Needs Today I DO IT ALL!
Go to the profile of Elizabeth K.
Elizabeth K.
Political | Reactionary Feminist | Linguistics Degree | Interested in Truth and Meaning
Go to the profile of Annie Evans
Annie Evans
A teacher, a writer, and a step-mom, working to rectify her relationship with church. https://deconstructingchurchblog.wordpress.com/
Go to the profile of Eva Mwangi
Eva Mwangi
I am on a break, spending more time with my baby.
Go to the profile of AllyK.
Writing about things I learnt and wished I could tell my younger self. Since I can't turn back time (YET), maybe I can help others.
Go to the profile of Casey
Welcome to the musings of a 30-something, slightly anxious introvert. My main job is mama but the pay sucks. I hope you enjoy the workings of my inner monologue