Editors’ Picks: Top Articles in Modern Women for December

The pieces that stood out from an incredible month of Modern Women publishing

Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women
3 min readJan 4, 2024


Photo by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

Whew! What a month!

Filled with back-to-back holidays, seasonal celebrations and changing weather, December can be a demanding month, especially for women.

Seen as the caregivers of families and communities, women bare much of the burden of managing the winter season and end-of-the-year responsibilities. But just because they do a lot doesn’t mean they are seen.

With our monthly prompt, “Visibility,” we wanted to explore the ways in which women are viewed and how they see themselves. Of course, what came from this prompt was a flurry of perspectives as diverse and impactful as our writers.

Between stories of betrayal, family secrets and the ways in which identities change over time, our writers showcased a wide array of experiences that are simultaneously unique to them and shared by so many others.

While we cannot showcase every writer, we appreciate every submission and story shared.

In honor of that, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate some of the stories that captivated our hearts and minds. Without further ado, here are a few of our favorites from the month of December, hand-picked by your friendly editors at Modern Women.

Brenda Covarrubias’ Top Pick for December is… “Lessons Unlearned: Changing the Feminist Message” by Kristina Etter.

“Feminism” is a controversial word for the uneducated. People who are fed stereotypes without the drive to fact-check or speak to women of different ages and communities see the word and assume it means something bad. But in her article, Kristina dispels those negative stereotypes in a heartfelt and factual way, discussing the ways in which the movement has changed throughout many generations. It is a must-read for anyone looking to learn about the movement, and a great reminder for those already involved.

ADEOLA SHEEHY-ADEKALE’s Top Pick for December is… “Mermaids Still Exist, And Men Are Still Mesmerized And Terrified By Them” by Maria Garcia.

I loved the way Maria weaves the old myths and the modern realities and their representations of women and how we are approached, perceived and communicated with. I think this article gives a new way to see ourselves that is interesting and reminds us all of our innate magic.

Bella Smith’s Top Pick for December is… “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t” by Lisa Cunningham DeLauney.

This speaks to the heart of how visibility changes for women over time. It’s striking how Lisa describes the shift from being overly visible in youth to the risk of becoming invisible as a mother and with age. The way she connects this to broader issues of gender and societal roles, like the undervaluing of childcare, sheds light on the hardships women face.

Nicole Dake’s Top Pick for December is… “Where Do You Reside in the Story of Your Life?” by Dee. This story touched me, as it reflects on the ways that we as women and mothers have a tendency to fade into the background of other people’s lives. She also talks about reclaiming yourself and your story.

If you would like to write for Modern Women, please take the time to read our submission guidelines here…

And if you are itching to write but need some inspiration, you can find our monthly prompts at the top of our home page.



Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women

Brenda Covarrubias is a freelance writer and editor. Her writing focuses on people, communities and the situations that drive them. https://linktr.ee/brendacova