Editor’s Picks: Top February Articles in Modern Women

Check out our favorite stories this month in Modern Women!

E.S. Yates
Modern Women
3 min readMar 1, 2022


Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Modern Women continues to grow like the proverbial beanstalk, and we’re thrilled to welcome each and every follower to our community!

Here are our stats for February:
- 270 followers (72% increase over January)
- 12,896 views (106% increase)
- 14,052 minutes read (171% increase!!)

Look at us go! We’re so excited to see the traction building for our amazing writers.

Modern Women Publication Updates

We had a great time at our very first Modern Women Virtual Mixer on February 13th! Stay tuned for a replay of our fun conversations and see what we got up to.

We’re planning on doing another mixer and would love more of our fabulous ladies to join us! Details will be provided soon, and we hope you will join us!

There was amazing participation for our February writing prompt, The Wisdom I Wish Others Knew, with a total of 17 articles submitted.

Our March writing prompt is: My Pandemic Story. We’ll ask you to share how life has been for you now that we are two years into this global pandemic. Check out the story on our prompt for more details.

Erin’s Top Picks

Make Your Own Map — The Best Advice I Didn’t Receive by Slow train

Slow train tells a touching personal story of how she had to bridge the generation gap and the expectations that come with it to find her own place in the world. It’s an inspiring story with a life lesson we all need to learn:

You can’t just copy and paste the life maps of your parents and grandparents. If you’re going someplace different, you’re going to have to figure out how to get there on your own.

The Wisdom I Wish Others Knew: A Mental Health Diagnosis Is Not A Death Sentence by Nicole Dake

Nicole tells a poignant story about the struggles of dealing with a mental health crisis and not finding the support you need from those closest to you. She tells of her own version of admitting you have a problem before you can fix it. As someone who has also struggled with my mental health, her story resonated with me deeply.

The Wisdom I Wish Others Knew: Women Were Not Made To Have Babies by Kristen H Short

What does it mean to be a woman? Are you more of a woman if you choose or are able to have children? Are you a failure as a woman if you are unable or choose not to be a mother? Kristen helps answer these questions with an extremely relevant look at how women see themselves and how we need to move away from the myth that women are “meant” to have babies.

Megan’s Top Picks

I intentionally chose stories from newer writers to Medium but are absolutely beautiful. Although they may not have as many reads yet, they certainly deserve it. Please support these three incredible women!

The Love of My Life Is Only 4-Years-Old by Julie Morey

I enjoyed reading this story A LOT! Julie talks about her daughter being the love of her life and her Valentine. It’s so refreshing to read about all the different ways we can become mothers too.

I Want To Love But Am Terrified Of Being Hurt by Tia Nnebo

I always cherish reading vulnerable stories where someone shows us a piece of their heart. Tia did that beautifully in this piece. I especially love her last few words, “I choose love over fear.”

Being Single Is a Beautiful Season by Emily Mark

Emily’s writing is really special. I love that she shares her story and all the learnings that came from it. Even when the journey was tough, she found a way through. Definitely uplifting!

And that wraps up February! Thank you to all our followers and supporters. We can’t wait to see how we grow in March!

With love,
Erin & Megan



E.S. Yates
Modern Women

Amateur writer, professional mother, expert cynic. Writing about mental health and new journeys.