MouseBelt (P-Rep)- Paving The Way For The Future of ICON

MouseBelt Labs
Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2021

2021 was a big year for the ICON community, with members going above and beyond to help drive further adoption of the protocol. The excitement around BTP, ICON 2.0, Dapp growth and other network developments set the tone within the industry that $ICX has big plans to remain a leading layer 1 protocol. MouseBelt has contributed in a variety of ways within the ICON network, bringing awareness to the potential ICON has through its various lines of businesses: Investment, Development, Media and Education. As we approach year end, it’s time to reflect on what MouseBelt has achieved in 2021 as well as the future impact they will make going into 2022.

MouseBelt (P-Rep)

MouseBelt is a company looking to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology. The team has multiple avenues for targeting different members of the industry, including attracting student communities, supporting developers, partnering with investors and educating the crypto curious about the benefits of blockchain and crypto technologies. MouseBelt plays an active role in the ICON community as a P-Rep leveraging the Mousebelt ecosystem and resources. Here are some of the highlights:

Contributing to growth of ICON Dapps

MouseBelt played an important role as an early contributor in the development of the Balanced Network, which launched in April 2021. As part of the core team, MouseBelt helped build this project from the ground up, contributing to the architecture specification around the design of the Dapp, along with its technical implementation which included writing some of the code base for the DEX. With the recent December roadmap update, our focus was on the trade router feature to identify and provide best prices from various DEX’s along with a code review for quality control. The platform was built on the ICON network and has quickly become one of its most used Dapps, bringing much utility to ICX holders and DeFi users in the space. It provides users with a range of financial tools that can be accessed by depositing IXC as collateral. Once deposited, users can borrow Balanced Dollars, claim rewards, swap assets, supply liquidity, participate in governance, and liquidate high-risk positions.

MouseBelt Media — Incorporating ICON

The REIMAGINE Virtual Conference is one of the world’s largest virtual cryptocurrency and blockchain conferences and a great place to get the word out about upcoming crypto projects. There have been over 500 guest speakers, 2 million minutes watched (33,000 hours) and more than 50k attendees across over 20 countries. Invites included 100s of projects and industry leaders such as Min Kim, Roger Ver, Raoul Pal, Michael Saylor, Mark Yusko, Erik Voorhees, Sam Bankman-Fried and many more (full list).

As a P-Rep, Mousebelt used their own node earnings to reinvest back into the event, not only highlighting ICON and its community but designating ICON an official sponsor of the conference. The event itself hosted many guest speakers that contributed to ICON, including Min Kim (Founder of ICON), Scott Smiley, Daeki Lee and Ricky Dodds. It also invited Geometry Labs, IBriz, ICONists, Project Nebula, along with a panel of speakers including Parrot9 and ICONOsphere and CTO Galen Danziger of MouseBelt.

The conference has been a huge hit this year and proved to be a great way for MouseBelt to spread the word regarding ICON as a platform destination that provides features, benefits and solutions to innovate using their technology. To further engage the Reimagine community, MouseBelt used their own P-Rep rewards for a token giveaway of ICX to viewers of the conference along with giving away BALN tokens. This not only helped to increase awareness, but also created a buzz about both projects, sparking additional excitement within the crypto community and to those internationally interested in blockchain.

MouseBelt (P-Rep) Educates Students

Part of MouseBelt’s core competitive advantage is having built up a strong influence globally within student and university communities. In their years of experience within the education system, MouseBelt has preceded its reputation by building one of the largest university programs with over 100 universities across 24 countries factoring in thousands of students founding blockchain clubs and organizations. The MBU program created the first ever Blockchain Education Alliance where ICON was a founding member. MouseBelt understands education is a crucial pain point to drive mass adoption across developers, investors, and new business models. Students play a pivotal role as they have become the future workforce of Web3.

With this in mind, the team invited several members of ICON to educate students around the ideas and potential blockchain can bring across industries and sectors. Core members of the ICON team included Scott Smiley and Daeki Lee, who spoke to the students about DeFI, Balanced Network, OMM and ICON. Their aim was to educate students on not only DeFi’s impact but how students themselves can contribute to the ICON community, develop dapps on the network and explore the benefits ICON offers.

MouseBelt (P-Rep) — Invest more in 2022

MouseBelt’s plan to set goals for 2021 sought to support and contribute to the ICON ecosystem, adding value where they can. The team exceeded their goals and continue to set higher standards for 2022. This past year they achieved a level of success but intend to build off this momentum and strive to re-invest node rewards with no plans on slowing down. MouseBelt expects to double their efforts, working hard to bring the achievements ICON has delivered (products, solutions, infrastructure, Dapp growth etc..) from the last 12 months into 2022. MouseBelt is committed to ICON and will make sure ICONs impact will influence the future of Web3 as the aggregator of chains, hyper-connecting the world.

For more details regarding MouseBelt (P-Rep) involvement in 2021 please visit:



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