Inspired by Fluent Design: OneDrive

Michael Gillett
My Microsoft Life
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2017

Carrying on with my series of articles showing concepts making use of Microsoft’s new Fluent Design System I found a collection of images of an updated OneDrive app that I just had to share with you.

These images look great, and show how, with not much redesign to an existing app, the effects of Fluent can be applied. Again, and this is maybe the main theme of Fluent from the concepts I have shared, the eye is drawn to the main content with the acrylic effect being used on the secondary elements of an app, such as the sidebar.

There have been some concepts for a Fluent inspired File Explorer, none appear as well polished as these images and perhaps these show how Explorer could look if given a UI update.

What do you think of these designs by John Paul Palad?

From behance.

My Files with a collapsed sidebar
The details view makes use of the acrylic effect

Inspired by Fluent Design: Vol. 1 | Vol. 2 | Vol. 3 | Vol. 4



Michael Gillett
My Microsoft Life

Windows Insider MVP (MVP since 2012) | Lead Web Dev based in Camden, London