
5 Things You Should Know About Astrology

Astrology cannot reliably predict specific events in a person’s life

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2021


No matter what your horoscope says or what the planets are doing, you are in control and you ran your own life! (Photo: Bruno /Germany edited by Author)

1. Astrology Is Not A Crystal Ball

As much as we wished Astrology could help us figure out what would happen in the future, astrology is not fortune-telling. Although certain predictive branches of astrology use astrology to predict the future, it cannot reliably predict specific events in a person’s life.

It is nearly impossible to predict with any accuracy what will happen and when. This is because we have free will and the power to choose, change and redirect our life.

No matter what your horoscope says or what the planets are doing, you are in control and you ran your own life!

2. Astrology Helps You Understand Yourself

Astrology as a self-help tool helps you understand why you are the way you are and why you do the things you do. The astrology that most of us know is the sun sign astrology which comes into our inbox and says if you are a Leo you need to take a chill pill today, if you are a Virgo, you need to relax and stop being so uptight or if you are an Aquarius you don't have to rebel today, but the sun sign alone is just a tip of the iceberg.

There is so much more than the sun sign. There is the Ascendant or rising sign which is how we world sees us, the moon sign which is how we are when no one is looking, our Mercury sign which is how we think and communicate, our Saturn sign which is how disciplined and responsible we are, the North node which is who we are destined to be, and more.

Each planet in the birth chart represents a certain aspect of your personality, and each house represents a certain area of yourself.

3. Astrology Helps Relationships

Astrology helps us understand others which can strengthen friendships and relationships. Sometimes we wonder why certain relationships just don’t work no matter the effort we put in, and others are so much fun! Astrology can help explain why.

A relationship between a water sign (Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio) and a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) may not be one of the easiest relationships there is. This is because the water and fire elements do not work well together. Water quenches fire and fire boils and dries out water. Not fun!

A relationship between water and an earth sign on the other hand may be one of the peaceful relationships you’ll be in because water and earth work well together. Water nurtures the soil (earth) and the earth provides a dwelling place for water.

A relationship between two opposite signs may also be fulfilling because opposites tend to attract. For example, a relationship between a Capricorn (father) and Cancer (mother) can be a satisfying relationship because where one lacks the other provides, and the relationship never gets boring.

When there are problems in a relationship, the astrological charts of the two individuals can be compared, revealing incompatibilities and potential problems that need to be addressed.

Understanding these transits helps you to relax where you would be freaking out and it helps you navigate difficult times more easily. (Photo: Hatice EROL)

4. Astrology Is Emotionally Clarifying

Understanding planetary cycles can help us understand and navigate difficult times. Cycles of Saturn, for example, create pressure for success and accomplishment but can bring about restrictions and destructions.

When Mercury retrogrades, it may throw off our ability to communicate effectively and even affect our technology.

Uranus cycles urge us to make changes in our life where we have become rigid, creating a sense of restlessness and desire for something new.

Under the influence of Mars, we feel the need to act out our desires with a sense of urgency and passion.

Full moons are normally a period of heightened emotions and sensitivity, and it brings the crazies out!

Understanding these transits helps you to relax where you would be freaking out and it helps you navigate difficult times more easily and gracefully because you know what is happening, when it started, and when it ends.

5. Astrology Is Diverse

There are so many types of Astrology and they may or may not all resonate with you. There is the Western (tropical), Vedic, Sidereal, Chinese, Horary, etc.

Western astrology is the branch of astrology you may be familiar with. It is based on 12 zodiac signs and uses a person’s date and time of birth.

Chinese astrology is also based on 12 signs, but it’s a 12-year cycle with each year being named after the twelve “original” animals, along with the placements of the planets, Sun and Moon.

Vedic astrology originates in India and uses only the seven traditional planets. Horary originated in the Vedic tradition in India and was brought to the West during medieval times.

This is the reason certain types of Astrology won’t make sense to you, so you must find what resonates and stick with it.

More Things to Know About Astrology

Pluto Is Still A Planet

Pluto may not be considered a planet in Astronomy, but in Astrology Pluto is still very well and alive and one of the strongest planets in the birth chart. Although small and far away, it is the most powerful of all with the strongest effect and the one planet whose transits can do so much damage.

Wherever we find Pluto in the birth chart is where we are dealing with the most dramatic and intense changes, deaths, and rebirths and also the most important issues that empower us and offer the opportunity to transform our lives.

Astrology Works Best When You Are Specific

While an accurate birth time is useful for more specific information, a great deal can be learned using only the date of birth. The birth time sets up the structure of the houses and provides the ascendant or rising sign, which makes it easier to really understand certain things.

But even without the exact time of birth, the date of birth provides the placements of all other planets and their relationship to each other, which offers clues into the personality of an individual.

And like everything else, Astrology doesn’t work if you just don’t believe in it. If you don’t believe in something, your brain will always look for loopholes and reasons to tell you that it’s a bunch of crap even if your intuition is telling you to trust it.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.