Astrology 101

Astrology for Beginners: An Easy Guide to Understanding Astrology

What do the stars and planets have to do with life?

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
8 min readOct 8, 2020


Astrology is not fortune telling and shouldn’t be used as one. (Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash)

So you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the Sun’s apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality? — Sheldon Cooper in the Big Bang Theory.

Yeah? Well, me too! So let's get started!

What is Astrology

According to astrologer Kevin Burk, “Astrology is the study of cycles. By observing the cyclical movements of the planets, we can gain a greater understanding of the cycles and patterns in our own lives.”

Astrology is a tool that can help us understand and unlock our highest potentials, and can teach us how to live in harmony with the universe. It is a powerful tool for healing and transformation, and it can be a key that can unlock a greater spiritual connection to the universe.

I started studying astrology at a point in my life when I was completely lost. I didn't know who I really was, and I didn't understand why I did certain things and why I react the way I do. I had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and after it ended; I struggled to find myself. On a personal level, astrology helped me gain a deeper understanding of my individual life path and life experiences.

Astrology as a tool gave me an insight into my personal issues, my thinking patterns, fears, and my dreams. I gained insight into my purpose in life, and from doing this I gained a stronger sense of self.

Note: Astrology is not fortune telling and shouldn't be used as one. Astrology is a tool to help one understand him or herself.

The Sun-Your Identity

The sun represents who you are. Your identity. It is the basics of astrology, what we know as the zodiac. If someone asks you what your zodiac sign is, they are asking for your sun sign.

I was born on February 19th, so my zodiac sign is Pisces, which is my Sun sign.

The sun is all about yourself. It is the essence that you shine out into the world. It represents your drive and how you experience life. Your sun sign is how you answer the question “I am”. It is associated with masculine energy or the father. The sun rules Leo.

The Moon-Your Emotions

The moon represents your heart. The way you act when no one is watching. The Moon represents our deepest personal needs, our heart's desires, and how to react to situations. It also represents our unconscious. Where the Sun acts, the Moon feels. It is associated with feminine energy or the mother.

The moon was in Sagittarius at the time of my birth, so my moon sign is Sagittarius. The Moon rules Cancer

Your rising /Ascendant-The Mask You Wear

Your rising or ascendant is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon the moment you were born. It is how you appear to the world and how you act when people are watching. It is the facade we put on for the world. Your rising sign is people's first impression of you.

My rising or ascendant sign is Capricorn, meaning at the time of my birth the zodiac sign Capricorn was rising on the eastern horizon. This is different from my sun sign, Pisces.

Pisces is who I am, but if you don't really know me, you will assume I'm a Capricorn. The rising sign is how you appear to other people.

Planets: What are They Doing and How Do They Affect You?

Each planet governs a specific aspect of your character or identity.

Mercury governs your mind. It's all about the way you think about life. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo.

Venus governs how you love and want to be loved. Venus rules Libra and Taurus.

Mars governs how you handle life. It's your drive, passion, and fire. Mars rules Aries.

Jupiter governs how lucky you are in life. Jupiter rules Sagittarius.

Saturn governs how disciplined you are. Saturn rules Capricorn.

Uranus governs what makes you unique. Uranus rules Aquarius.

Neptune governs your imagination and your spirituality. Neptune rules Pisces. This means that my ruling planet is Neptune.

The different planets go in retrograde sometimes. Retrograde motion is a change in the movement of the planet through the sky. The planets do not physically move backward, it just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and earth and how they move around the sun.

Other Celestial Bodies

Pluto governs how you transform your “self” and your life. Pluto rules Scorpio.

Chiron is the wounded healer, and it governs how you heal yourself and others.

The North Node governs how you evolve in this lifetime.

The South Node governs how you developed in your past life.

Midheaven governs how you do in your career.

Lilith governs your secrets and hidden emotions.

The Four Elements

The zodiac signs are grouped into four elements, and each of these elements has its own distinct traits. The four elements are:

  • Fire: Passionate. Confident. Action-oriented. Temperamental.
  • Earth: Grounded. Stable. Practical. Materialistic.
  • Air: Mental. Analytical. Intellectual. Adventurous.
  • Water: Intuitive. Artistic. Emotional. Mysterious.

Astrology is not fortune telling and shouldn’t be used as one. Astrology is a tool to help one understand him or herself.

Zodiac Signs: Who You Are and Who You Are Not?

The planets were all moving through specific zodiac signs at the time of your birth. Planets behave differently in different zodiac signs. When a planet is in a specific sign, it has to mimic the mood of that zodiac. The zodiac signs are:

Aries (Fire): March 21- April 19

Taurus (Earth): April 20- May 20

Gemini (Air): May 21- June 20

Cancer (Water): June 21- July 22

Leo (Fire): July 23-August 22

Virgo (Earth): August 23-September 22

Libra (Air): September 23-October 22

Scorpio (Water): October 23- November 21

Sagittarius (Fire): November 22-December 21

Capricorn (Earth): December 22-January 19

Aquarius (Air): January 20-February 18

Pisces (Water): February 19-March 20

Zodiac Cusp Signs

A cusp sign is a birthday that falls on the time when the sun leaves one sign and enters another. A person can’t have two signs, but people born on a cusp are unique individuals whose date of birth brings the energy and traits of two distinct signs together, creating a separate personality with blended qualities.

I was born on February 19th so as you will see below; I was born when the sun was moving from Aquarius into Pisces. I was born on the cusp of sensitivity. Most times I feel like a Pisces but at other times I am an Aquarius.

A person born on a cusp is sure to have some inner conflict due to the two different energies pulling the person. Possessing the strengths and weaknesses of two signs can be a blessing and a burden at the same time.

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp: Cusp of Mystery

January 16 — January 22.

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp: Cusp of Sensitivity

Dates: February 15 — February 21.

Pisces-Aries Cusp: Cusp of Rebirth

Dates: March 17 — March 23.

Aries-Taurus Cusp: Cusp of Power

Dates: April 16 — April 22.

Taurus-Gemini Cusp: Cusp of Energy

Dates: May 17 -May 23.

Gemini-Cancer Cusp: Cusp of Magic

Dates: June 17 — June 23.

Cancer-Leo Cus: Cusp of Oscillation

Dates: July 19 — July 25.

Leo-Virgo Cusp: Cusp of Exposure

Dates: August 19 — August 25.

Virgo-Libra Cusp: Cusp of Beauty

Dates: September 19 — September 25.

Libra-Scorpio Cusp: Cusp of Drama

Dates: October 19 — October 25.

Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: Cusp of Revolution

Dates: November 18 — November 24

Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp: Cusp of Prophecy

Dates: December 18 — December 24

Houses: The Different Areas of Your Life

There are 12 zodiac signs and therefore 12 houses. The 12 houses represent different parts of your own unique life, from your identity to your relationships to your career. Each zodiac sign rules each house. For example, Aries is the first zodiac sign therefore it rules the first house and Pisces is the last or twelfth sign and therefore rules the twelfth house.

1st House: Ruled by Aries

The first house rules your identity, first impressions, the self, attitude, personal appearance, leadership, new initiatives, fresh starts, and beginnings.

2nd House: Ruled by Taurus

The second house rules money, work, income, daily routines, material possessions, habits, and priorities.

3rd House: Ruled by Gemini

The third house rules the mind and thinking, communication, siblings, social activity, neighbors, and early education.

4th House: Ruled by Cancer

The fourth house rules the home, roots, family, self-care, emotions, mother, women, children, and femininity.

5th House: Ruled by Leo

The fifth house rules love affairs, romance, creativity, fertility, spirit, joy, play, and drama.

6th House: Ruled by Virgo

The sixth house rules heath, fitness, analytical nature, pets, work habits, nature, and sense of usefulness.

7th House: Ruled by Libra

The seventh house rules relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners, equality, and sharing

8th House: Ruled by Scorpio

The eighth house rules sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, loans, property, assets, and mystery.

9th House: Ruled by Saggitarius

The ninth house rules travel, wisdom, philosophy, higher education, law, religion, and learning.

10th House: Ruled by Capricorn

The tenth house rules career, long-term goals, structure, status, reputation, public image, masculinity, men, fathers, experts, and fame.

11th House: Ruled by Aquarius

The eleventh house rules groups, friends, humanitarianism, technology, hopes, and wishes.

12th House: Ruled by Pisces

The twelfth house rules endings, healing, closure, hidden, subconscious, solitude, afterlife, spirituality, old age, and karma.

You Have Free Will No Matter What the Stars Are Doing

We are not victims of the stars, but co-creators of our universe.

The goal of astrology is to help you understand yourself if you find yourself lost and confused about an area of your life. Or if you are simply curious with an open mind.

Human beings have free will because we have consciousness. That means we can always make our own choices, no matter what the stars are doing.

If you are really getting into this and you want to know more about yourself, pull a free natal/birth chart here. You will need to know your exact time of birth.



Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.